I’m really sorry that you just happened to be born at the wrong time.
All my family
was also scammed of their youth. My parents have already stopped
going to the meetings and field service. My dad is in bad health and my mom worries a lot. It ‘s hard for them
because it’s not easy if you don’t start early to build a life.
But I help them a lot, so they really don't have to worry about the future.Still they worry!
I on the other hand I was born at the right time. I was born in the Internet age where people World Wide can share their knowledge with each other. Because of that I was never baptized and was able to live a normal life without the Watchtower getting their hands on me.
Getting scammed early in life is just part of our life as a Human Species.
The reason being is because humanity is still ignorant about most things, and we continue to hand down false information to our children and they to their children.
For how many Hundreds of thousands of years did we believe that to appease the Gods we had to sacrifice another human being?
How many thousands of years did we believe the Sun Rotated around the earth?
Thousands of years
ago, several men throughout the centuries compiled a collections of
stories about an Omniscient, Omnipotent, Benevolent Creator that
could grant EVERLASTING LIFE. And humans being human did what they do best..........Scam people for control and monies with the idea that "They" have figured out what God wants us to do!
The Catholic Church did everything possible to keep these collections of books, (Bible) out of hands of regular people. It was a matter of control for power and monies.
But in time, with the printing press, the Bible started becoming available to everyone. But it Didn’t matter much because most people couldn’t read.
Flash forward hundreds of years when schools are organized and we get to a point where most people can read.
By this time there are thousands of Christians Sects and major Christian religions. Each with a different story on what it takes to be saved and LIVE FOREVER. The Watchtower was one of many, but with a different twist.
But it wasn’t until the 1990s that the Internet took off and allowed people to share their knowledge with one another and Start exposing ALL Christian Religions for what they really are. …..Human Interpretations of what GOD Demands based on ancient stories by people we never met.
And here we are now, at a point where every succeeding generation is learning the truth, that Religious Stories are just that…………..Stories! It was human attempts to explain why were are here, what’s our purpose, and You can live forever!
In our case, Most Jehovah Witnesses are now waking up at an early age. Thanks to the Internet where Knowledge is abundant and Religions like the Watchtower can’t Hide their Hypocrisy and evil intents.
The Watchtower is dying. In another 100 years there will be so much knowledge about the Bible being what it actually is, just a collections of Human Stories. And all the generations of people that hold the Bible as the word of God will finally be Gone.
The world will be a better place. There won’t be any more victims who will be trapped at an early age to slave for a group of religious men, that promise the slaves Everlasting Life, if you donate your LIFE to their cause.
The thing that really makes it bad for people who are captured by the Watchtower in their youth is that our life span is too short. I’ve had adults tell me that you really don’t get smart until you hit your 50s. But by then you lose all your energy and health you had at 18.
So you may be 60-70-80 or 90 but still feel like you’re only 18……...until you look in the mirror.