JoinedPosts by talley
I'm astounded by the UNDER-PATRIOTISM Displayed
by Yerusalyim inyep,.
it boggles my mind, so many here would rather believe saddam hussein than their own government.
so many here seem certain the bush administration is lying, but trust hussein to tell the truth.
My Biography (shamelessly long)...
by truthseekers2 ini'm embarressed to no end on how long this ended up being, but i felt it all too important to leave anything out (and yes, i did delete some!
{blush} ).
my name is shauna.
DITTO to Shutterbug's reply. I could not say that better.
Hubby passed away this morning...
by Golden Girl ini want to thank all those that helped and encouraged me in my hard times!..hubby passed away from his cancer this morning.
i am so sad my heart is broken.
we decided to go ahead and have a memorial for him this weekend at the kingdom hall he went to.
((((((((((((((((((( Golden Girl ))))))))))))))))))))
May you find consolation and peace.
Special Valentine's Day Preparations
by blondie invalentine's day is coming up fast, only 10 days.
other than the obvious, what do you have planned that is special for your loved one.
i need some ideas.. blondie
This will be new to us as I have 'celebrated' nothing until this past Christmas, and Hubby picked right up on it !!!
This is kind of lame because I am so new to this stuff; I am going to surprise him with
2 boxes of chocolate covered cherries & a card that reads " I'm not interested in a nice, normal relationship (open card) I like our's better! Happy Valentine's Day
everyone voice in
by peacefulpete inplease express in 0ne to three words why you are on this web site.
: angry,confused and desperate,lonely,seeking affirmation,saving souls,to expose evil,curious about apostates, like being naughty, etc.
please limit comment to 3 or less words.
Interesting on info on the Patriot Act
by Xandria inin dealing with the city and attend the boooooooooooringly long meetings (gawd how do they stay awake?!
) some of the speakers speak in monotones!
i heard a 3 minute speaker tonight that blew my socks off.
The Patriot Act, as you quoted, is based on "acts.....that are a violation of criminal law."
I have always considered email and internet use the equilivant of sending a POST CARD through the regular mail, available to anyone who chooses to view it.
As to the Seek and Peek, I notice that it is done after obtaining a WARRANT, which tells me that someone in authority considered the reason for the request.
In my opinion none of these provisions affect LAW ABIDING CITIZENS of the US, who do not wish to do the US harm.
Sisters and the great tribulation
by Brummie injust before i retire to bed my mind starts reflecting back over things i done heard that made a profound impact on my mental faculties (i guess i still have them).
anyway having worked the night shift i'm about to fall into a coma so you can imagine my minds on over-ride.
here's what i remembered.
I have to agree with Wolfgirl.... My dog would be my greatest concern, getting food for her, where she would be safest and alwasys keeping her by my side.
I consider her a 'fellow travler in my care'.
Judy/talley (of the silly old woman without children of her own class)
OT- Anybody here share joint physical custody?
by unbeliever ini am asking this for a friend of mine (not a jw) who does not have computer access at home.
i figured i would ask since there is so many people who post here.. she is going thru a divorce and the judge said they have to share joint legal and physical custody.
they will each get the child 50% of the time.
Hubby had a cousin that divorced and they solved it by keeping the children in the original family house, the parents both got effeciency appartments ( or shacked up with lover...whatever) and each had to stay with the children alone at the childrens' home every other week.
That way the child has a permanant home where he/she belongs and all the kid stuff is.
Putting Something Back Into Society Now You're Out
by Englishman ini saw the film "pay it forward" some weeks ago.
now, whilst most of us stoical brits will snort somewhat at the emotional hokum, nonetheless the movie featured many salient points, not least the theory that humankind needs to put something back into society if it is to retain it's own sense of worth.. as it happens, i agree with that theory.
also, since leaving the jw's, i find that i have much more concern for the welfare of my fellow man than i used to have.
I have to agree with all of the previous posters. I have felt the same thing myself and find that we donate much more to charity than when I was 'active'. For myself, I have for several years volunteered time and labor at my local public library. It's not much, but it is what I know from working at a university library in the past and it is what I can do physically. So at least I feel I am contributing something to my little part of the world.
Hat's Off To Farkel
by Englishman ini've just spent an enjoyable half-hour or so at farkels website.
every time that i listen to one of his farkelised kindum songs, i just start to grin and gurgle with delight.
YES! YES! NEW RELEASES, PLEASE. more more more