You could try cupping your hands behind your ears and then turning slowly in place to try to 'zero in' on the direction it is comming from. I found hubby's watch-chronometer-stopwatch that way. Lot'sa luck!! talley
JoinedPosts by talley
I can't find the damn thing!!!!!
by Thunder Rider inplease forgive the following rantings.
several months ago i lost my watch.
it is somewhere in the house.
Has anyone heard from QUEENIE lately?
by Nathan Natas inher most recent post here was back in late october... does anyone kknow how she is?
I also miss Queenie! Say HI to her for me and let her know I think of her often.
I cant believe this Trinity lark
by Hamas inone of the main things that hits you when you leave the jw's is that maybe you haven't got all the answers like you once thought, so you begin to question everything, wouldn't you agree?.
well, my eyes were opened to the prospect of living in heaven, and not on earth like the dubya's preach.
i have listened to plenty of audio files from people that have left the witnesses and have became born again and if that floats your boat then thats great !
I understand exactly how you feel, Hamas. Even being raised Lutheran, I never could make sence or believe the Trinity doctrine, or the 'immortal soul' doctrine or going to heaven or hell. And I attended Lutheran school for the first eight grades.
Maybe those doctrines are what made the Witnesses so attractive to me at the time.
For over a year now I have driven myself nuts trying to sort all the conflicting doctrins and have found great relief in giving up the search and frenzy. Now my baselines have become Rom.1:19&20, Rom.2:13-15 and Eccl.9:11 I have given up the strugle with the unknowable and am quite content with leaving all that confusion.
Wishing you well, talley-Judy
I wear bifocals, in fact mine are 'occupational bifocals'; the reading lens is situated at the bottom of the eyepeice, but also at the very top of the eyepiece too, wonderful for any close work above one's head like reading library shelves or electircial wireing,etc.
BUT, for the computer I had another pair made up with the reading lens perscription set at 9 in. for the keyboard and then 22 in. for the remainder for monitor viewing. Wonderful toy. I can now sit here for hours in front of the computer with no eyestrain, no neck strain, and no headache.
How bad did Worldly people treat you when you were a JW?
by El Kabong ini grew up in the society and had the pleasure .
some worldly people would actually hit jw'w because they did not salute the flag.
(this in a country that prides itself on freedom of religion).
I did not grow up as a JW, but for most of my adult life (am now 61) I was shown more friendship and consideration by 'worldly' people than by the JWs.
Both my mom and dad's side of the family were so considerate and nonjudgemental that I never cooled relationships with them because it would not be the 'Christian' thing to do. As to worldly friends, they all accomodated my peculiarities; and all were very pleased to receive Christmas Cards from me this year for the first time since 1966!
It has been the 'worldy' people in my life that have invited me to join them in activities, shown concern for my health and well being, done favors for me, wanted to hang out with me, and kept in contact with me.
61 next month (April)
I Don't Understand At All
by Francois inperhaps my problems with the new site are due to operator head space, but i don't think so.
for the last two weeks or so, when i log into jwd, i have gotten the same page: page # 1674 beginning with "to my brother regarding the uss iowa," and ending with "the life they stole from me.
when i click active topics, i get page # 2302, beginning with "what would a jehovah's witness romance novel be like?
Exact same thing has been happening to me too.
Then just now, from active topics, I chose the little drop down menu for variety's sake instead of the back button, and whalla.... the 3 new 'friends' pages appeared!!!
Windows Automatic Updates
by JH ini've been getting windows automatic updates 2 times a day now, since the last week.
i didn't have any since the last month or two and all of a sudden so many of them.
same thing at my father's place on his computer.. we both have windows xp pro.
Being the newbie that I am, all I can say is that my new Dell Dimension 2100 came from the 'factory' with XP Home Edition installed at the factory. I have never put a cd in it that did not come from Dell packaged with the computer. (computer was new in Jan '02)
I followed the Automatic Update prompts as I always did in the past and the computer would not reboot after the installation...The "reinstalling Windows XP" cd would not 'take'. So my 'techie' said we could get another XP for $400. or he could install Windows 98 for free. Since this is just a toy for me I went for 'free'.
There was a Q & A in todays (March 10) St.Paul Pioneer Press, and if I knew what I was doing I would scan it here, but I don't know what I'm doing. Anyway, the answer refered to 'boot viruses and Trojan worms'. The last thing I did was install that Windows automatic update on 3/4/03 and it would not start again. It would show the Dell globe, the the Windows XP display page and then a black page with white lettering that gave me 5 different starting choices - none of which would work. If I did nothing, the three pages would cycle over and over and over.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it! talley/Judy
P.S. The only thing I really, really, really miss is the 'spider solitare'.
Windows Automatic Updates
by JH ini've been getting windows automatic updates 2 times a day now, since the last week.
i didn't have any since the last month or two and all of a sudden so many of them.
same thing at my father's place on his computer.. we both have windows xp pro.
All I can say is 'be very, very careful'. The last week of Feb. I got an Automatic Update for my XP Home Edition. I put the 'installation' off for 6 days and when I finally did 'install' it, my computer would not reboot. Had a techie out here and he said the main board was now a brick. He had to 'scrub' and the reinstallation cd would not reinstall, so he put in Window 98 for me so I would have something to play with.
Everything worked fine until that last fatal update; by the way, I was running Norton at the time, and whatever came with that update got right in and shut me down bigtime.
by josephus inthis week i did what ive allways wanted to do and joined the navy,,, well nany reserve is the best i can do right now.. im waiting for all the tests now, but i just wanted your thoughts on the "moral rightness" of joining the military.. im still gonna do it though!.
cheers bigears.
josephus, you have my admiration and gratitude. Thank You.