JoinedPosts by Tammie
Create an apostate logo...
by Princess inok all you computer geeks um, geniuses.
next weekend, steve and i along with another apostate from arizona, will be riding our bikes in a two day, two hundred mile ride from seattle to portland, oregon.
i thought it would be kind of fun to have an apostate logo we could print on sticker paper and attach to our helmets and/or rider numbers to bug any dubbies who may be riding too.
Create an apostate logo...
by Princess inok all you computer geeks um, geniuses.
next weekend, steve and i along with another apostate from arizona, will be riding our bikes in a two day, two hundred mile ride from seattle to portland, oregon.
i thought it would be kind of fun to have an apostate logo we could print on sticker paper and attach to our helmets and/or rider numbers to bug any dubbies who may be riding too.
Let me try this again. Hope it works.
Hope this works. If it does not. Then you can see it here. To see the color version scroll down to
Here is the color version
Create an apostate logo...
by Princess inok all you computer geeks um, geniuses.
next weekend, steve and i along with another apostate from arizona, will be riding our bikes in a two day, two hundred mile ride from seattle to portland, oregon.
i thought it would be kind of fun to have an apostate logo we could print on sticker paper and attach to our helmets and/or rider numbers to bug any dubbies who may be riding too.
Worked on a color version.
Lying Experiences at Assemblies.
by ninecharger inat assemblies shining examples are trundled out to reel off their "encouraging" stories.
over the years there were many examples where i knew the people concerned, and wanted to vomit because they were telling a load of lies or at best half truth.
(why are we not surprised?
A young sister was on the assembly platform talking about how she finished school in just a few weeks and her hearts desire was to enrol in the pioneering ranks and become regular, she was held up as an example of "youth serving Jehovah", anyhows, she left school and was disfellowshiped immediatley after for immorality.
I heard about that one also. Go figgure.
How many of you are remarried to a "WORLDLY" spouse and are HAPPIER now?
by Jessica Rabbit inmaybe i'm just lucky, but my new husband who has never even been to church treats me better than my first husband who was raised a jw.
my first husband was an alcoholic who had no respect for women.
i suffered with a lot of verbal and emotional abuse.if i wasn't in a romantic mood, then there was something wrong with me.
Both my husband and I were JWs when we were married. But in my case, I ended up with a jewel of a man. He saw how his dad treated his mom (like crap) and decided then that he would never be like his dad. Our marrage is a true partnership, and our sex has always been very very good. But it was only after we left the JWs together did things get better. No longer did we have the JWs butting in our marrage and telling us what to do and how to raise our children.
On the other hand, hubby has a brother, who is a very much involved in the JW world. He is married to my sister, who is also very much involved in the JW world. But the way he treats her......very very bad.
Split tongues
by onacruse ini saw something on the news the other night, it just blew my mind!
(no comments on that last, if you please .
apparently the latest rage of "body art" (started on the east coast usa, where else??
Now that is just stupid.
What can I expect??
by Bona Dea inmy husband is getting baptized in 3 weeks.
i have had some tell me to expect some big changes.
as of now, i am agnostic...probably will be for the rest of my life.
my husband starts this "neither of us are very happy...we may need to begin thinking about doing something about this..." hinting around about divorce.
When I read your post I am getting a strong impression that he does want a divorce. If he does get a divorce before he is baptized then he would be free to remarry a JW sister. When I was a JW there was something that I did noticed. When a man gets baptized as a JW, it goes to his head. They really start to act like a jack ass.
Were you married at the Kingdom Hall ? How bad was your wedding reception ?
by run dont walk ini'm just wondering...... i remember going to some wedding receptions for couples who got married at the kingdom hall,.
and i hate to be mean but, super boring, and bad, how bad you ask ??
ok here we go ..... - the worst had to be one couple played kingdom meolodies for their wedding dances, i couldn't believe it.. - no alcohol (i'm sure we all experienced a few of these), reception was over by 9:30.. - no music at all, just a gathering of people, and they ended the reception with a prayer, i thought i was at an assembly.. - food, like if you can't afford to get married don't, like frozen stuff bought at your local grocery store, and still in the package when you got up to the tables, how tacky.. - you could always tell a couple who couldn't afford much, when you had to drive 50 miles into the back woods to find some dinky little community hall they rented for $100.. - i remember one where the bride was pregnant, i was really surprised they allowed them to use the kingdom hall.. - another classic was, they had this band (of all jw's of course) and man they were bad.
My husband and I were married at the Kingdom Hall, back in 1993 The worse part of it was how long winded the elder was in giving his wedding speach/talk. But I got my just dues with him later. About a year later he and his family stayed with me, because our congeration was getting a new KH. I made him sit and watch the whole video of him speaking. He looked at his wife and asked her if all his talks are that long winded (his words). She said yes dear you are.
As far as my reception went, it was a blast. Granted I did not have alchole, but I chose that for personal reasons. Hubby and I picked out a bit of everything that every one would have enjoyed. Our wedding song was by Bryan Adams "Everything I do, I do for you". I had a "Top Gun" sound tract and played several songs from that. Lets just say the music I picked out really rocked the house, and the elders were perfectly happy with that. (Bon Jovi, some Maddona, Reba McIntire, Alabama, Elvis and several others that I can't recall at this moment.)
Mom brought smoked ham and smoked turkey, along with a veggie tray. I had everyone else bring a cover dish of their choices. Which they did not mind that. My wedding cake consisted of several layers. Each layer was a different flavor, Chocolate, White, and Marbled. Under the cake I had a fountain. We had lots and lots of ballons, needed to because the reception was held in a gym.
My reception lasted from 3 pm and lasted till 9 pm. Hubby and I left around 8:30 pm. But before we left, most of the people who attended said that they really had fun at my wedding reception. They really enjoyed themselves. Something that don't very often in the JW world.
Would you like to know your future?
by JH in.
if it was possible, would you like to know your future, every good thing and bad thing that will happen to you?
would you be too afraid to go and look what your future would be like?
Going back into the past and the future are two totally different things. To put things in an extream example. Lets say a young mother and father are killed in an accident. Their children survive, but have no relatives. The kids are put into the system, which is sometimes not a good thing. They grow up in they system and become crimials. Yet on the other hand if the parents knew about the thing that would end their life and avoided it. Kids grow up in a healthy enviroment and become a useful person to society.
So your saying that would cause a paradox, and that would be a bad thing. Gimme a break.
Do You Know Of Reasons Why Some Got Removed From Their Privileges?
by minimus inpioneer, ms, elder publisher???
I know of some.
My FIL lost his position of being an elder because his adult daughter (but not all there mentally) stopped going to the meetings and refused to go.
My best friend's dad was removed from being an elder because he refused to turn his back on his kids. One of his daughters got married to a non-JW man. She was put on reproof. Long story short she caught her husband cheating on her. She left him and moved back in with her parents till she could get on her feet.
Another friend was a MS. He made the mistake of marrying the wrong woman (sister). Less than 2 weeks later she walked out. In trying to do what was right, he tried to see if they could work it out. She said no way. I guess she did not want to live in a misserable life. Any way he lost all his privelages. (Passing of the mic, parts on the meetings, things like that.) Yet on the other hand I knew an elder who did get a divorse. His wife tried to save the marrage, but he did not care. He kept his position as an elder with all his privelages. I only learned receintly that his wife passed away about a year ago from cancer. And that SOB never attened her funeral. She was faithful to him till the day she died.