In the years I was a JW I ignored the following things (not in a specific order) that have specific directives from the WT:
- I went to college
- I had sex
- I had sex in the Kingdom Hall
- I had sex in the Assembiles
- I had sex while preaching
- I had sex during the memorial
- I had sex with a few brothers
- I lied about having sex
- I lied about the hours I preached
- I played the lottery
- I got involved in politics
- I celebrated my and other people's birthdays
- I lied to my bones about a whole lot of other things
- I lied to coworkers and some friends about being a JW
- I lied at work about what JWs are and aren't allowed
- I supported a friend who was having an abortion
- I directed people to other religious organizations
- I rarely read the magazines and literature; when I did it was because I felt obligated
- I told my mom that the JWs are full of --it
- I went to clubs
- I danced to Disco music
- I vogued to Madonna in the 90s
- I watched pretty much every Hollywood movie made in the 80s
- I had fancy haircuts, fashionable clothing (that i used to going to the clubs)
- I went to Rock concerts
- I got involved in activism
- I read other religious literature
- I integrated a few concepts of Budhism
- I participated in a few competitions (and won) in school
- I beat the crap out of some homophobic idiot that attempted to bully me
- I didn't get married in the congregation
- Said a lot of "bless you" after people sneezed
- Had a boyfriend
- Lied about having a boyfriend
- Had a JW girlfriend at the same time I had a boyfriend
- Brought the boyfriend to the KH with the excuse that he "was interested". Sat between him and my girlfriend
- Told a person I was giving Bible studies to stop taking them and encouraged him to look for spirituality somewhere else
Those are a just few things I went against WT directives.