I want to address the original post:
I've taken the Bible Lessons but have never attended a Kingdom Hall. I was curious as to what point they begin to tighten the screws of control? Let's say you're a Baptist. At what point do they tell you that you can't attend other churches or read anything critical of the Society?
Also, do they print any "how to" advice on how to bring these things up with those investigating "the Truth"? Have any of you guys had to broach these topics with a new or potential convert? What do they say? I've tried to imagine how one would bring up things like this and shunning to a new member or potential convert. I mean, there's a man or woman who's being shunned right there in the Hall. You think a visitor won't notice? Or what happens if a visitor just approaches the person been shunned and introduces himself? Do the handlers say, "Hey, we're not talking to that person!"
So can anyone help me out on this? These are tough subjects to broach. Do you wait until they're baptized before you start unloading these things on them? And when do they become subject to being shunned?
What do you want to accomplish? Do you want to be a JW and then leave? Do you want to stop taking Bible studies? You are not clear about what you want to do. Seems like you are more interested in finding out information about when/how to address people when they express disinterest, but what for and why?