Confession time: When I married the first time as a JW I was 24 and my bride was nearly 19. We dated for 6 months, got engaged and married within 6 months. She later felt that she was forced in to marriage as the thing to do and we divorced 13 years later.
I met the future Mrs. Thirdson four years ago. We began dating a few months later. After a year of dating I proposed and we spent a year planning our wedding. I am, uh hum! 16 years older. I never expected this. I didn't think she would go out with me. I didn't think she would want to be a step mom. But you can't predict an outcome when it comes to affairs of the heart.
Despite our age difference, my wife's parents were welcoming and hospitable to me. I joke that meeting her dad was like the meeting in the movie "Meet the Parents." However, Mrs. Thirdson says I was her first boyfriend who wasn't intimidated by her school teacher father, but then again he couldn't ask what I intended to do with my life when I had already achieved many of career goals and was making a decent income as a consultant for a software company. On the other hand, my parents were totally against our dating. While many would be pleased with me dating a woman who double majored in college, speaks a second language, is gifted musically, has spiritual/religious convictions, is gainfully employed, supports herself and has no debt--my parents were dead against our relationship because she wasn't a JW. (It didn't seem to matter that I wasn't a JW any longer either.) Our age difference seemed to be their least concern but unfortunately their attitude soured relationships and they have never gotten to know my wife, which is sad in a way. She used to lament that I didn't have a "normal" family, but my being part of hers now has made up for some of the disappointment.