I read an article today comparing salaries in the US to other countries. The US is way ahead and the main reason so many US jobs are being exported to other countries. That said, US personal debt is extremely high and a large number of people are not making adequate savings for retirement. It's almost like the reason a boss, I once had, used for not paying more. He said, "If I paid you more you'd only spend it and still complain how bad off you are." For "everything else there is MasterCard" sums up the US attitude. However, I read the UK is just as bad.
Like many JWs I didn't save toward retirement either. Now playing catch-up.
My dad accused me of being materialistic after I moved to the US. I explained to him that I live within my means, in a modest home (at least for my neighborhood) have no credit card debt, own my car, my furniture, my appliances and only pay interest on my mortgage. I do recognize that being counted among middleclass America, that on the global scale, I am among the very rich.