...and then there are the wives of elders who seem to love the sound of their own voices....much to say with little genuine substance.....yawn...
JoinedPosts by westiebilly11
Don't you hate it when they just comment from the paragraph?
by toto555 inisn't that just annoying?
can people even comment in their own words anymore?
how bad is it where you're at?
CO is chasing me . Meeting him tomorrow.
by Ancientofdays inthis week is the "special week", co is back.. he phone called me this morning asking to meet together.. i replied "i don't refuse people who want talking to me, but my condition is that you must be alone, and we meet in public space.".
he agreed and we will meet tomorrow in a cafe.. .
this week he already met with my wife in the kh, and he told her "i believe your housband is apostate !!
don't meet. his sole aim is to establish grounds for a JC. why feed him ammunition?. you'll never change his mindstance anyway. you are an apostate...you will be outed...you will be named ...and shamed...make better use of your time.....watch paint dry..!
How to become an MS in no time
by Batman89 inthe method i used lol.
1) be a good servant and make sure your wt and pub are always underlined every meeting(great for appearances).
2) comment every meeting(a "sure way" to know someones "spiritually qualified").
so many born ins are stay ins....unable to decide/think for themselves.....I've seen so many groomed to stay in from infancy.....so glad i wasn't a born in...i walked in...and I walked out after 30 years....and as for spiritually mature MS....they seemed more interested in discussing their next car or drooling at unavailable sisters.... than genuinely caring for others....oh yes..they wanted to be seen to care..but off screen many were dead inside...with all the warmth and charisma of fresh fish.....
Why did God/Jehovah/Jesus create Viruses and bacteria that can kill humans and animals?
by Jon Preston ini know this topic has been spoken about but i havent seen an official thead about it.
so theists why did god create these and why does he co tinue to allow them?
are they from the talking snake, satan?.
..and why animals that kill and eat other animals....and why sharks...and why venemous snakes etc....and piranhas?...etc etc....all killing machines...designed by a ..loving god...whose creations reflect his loving personality..? really?...
The reason the Society keeps everyone busy with "campaigns"
by stuckinarut2 inim sure that many have had an experience where we try and keep little kids "occupied" while on a boring trip, such as a car ride or plane flight.. we come up with "games" like..."lets see how many green cars we can count", or "lets try and see who can sit still for the longest time".
"the winner gets a prize!".
obviously, until they are wise enough to cotton on, all we are doing is keeping them occupied to prevent them asking things like "are we there yet?!".
..spending their entire lives...waiting for the world to end......pointless..
"The Devil is at Work!"
by HeyThere ini consider myself a christian.
seriously did not even think that jw was that much different...but now i know better and it has my mind spinning.
i have stopped answering questions, say my own prayers to god at the meetings, and plastr on a fake smile.
undoubtedly the devil is at work......the only question is..on which side of a kingdom hall door?....
an american and a russian are debating which country has real free speech..
american: in my country I can say anything about our president without fear of arrest..
russian:..in my country I too can say anything about your president without fear of arrest...
Appeal Against Elders Decision... Can Anyone Advise..
by Almond ini meet a 6 years baptised jw girl.
we planned to marry here in philippines ( no divorce here }.
judge told me he can do the marriage so we livived together to be married.
why play chess with the devil?....just get out and stay out..don't bother trying to jump through man made hoops..
144,000 in Revelation May not be Referring to Individuals at all!
by objectivetruth ini'm testing a theory.. so many people discuss whether or not 144,000 is a literal number.. i want to discuss, what if 144,000 is not a number of individuals, rather a number of groups of people.. .
while there is no unanimous acceptance or truth, some believe that the book if revelation was written in hebrew originally.
my theory is based in this possibility.
why is it that anything that purports to be The Truth or a book inspired by god is wrapped up in theories and hidden meanings...surely if god wanted man to know his message etc it would be laid out simply and clearly without risk of double meanings..144,000 could be anything if stared at long enough....it makes less and less sense to me the older I get....smoke and mirrors..
Just noticed something else that proves the Bible is made up.
by BU2B inexodus 9 then the lord said to moses, go to pharaoh and say to him, this is what the lord, the god of the hebrews, says: let my people go, so that they may worship me.
2if you refuse to let them go and continue to hold them back, 3the hand of the lord will bring a terrible plague on your livestock in the fieldon your horses, donkeys and camels and on your cattle, sheep and goats.
4but the lord will make a distinction between the livestock of israel and that of egypt, so that no animal belonging to the israelites will die.?.
How could I justify my actions as a loving father if I allowed a murderer into the home and allowed him to slaughter my children..and then had the temerity to justify myself by saying I allowed him in to prove I am a righteous god deserving of worship..... I just don't get it....how could a god have allowed satan to exist and cause (allegedly) death on human race ...and then allow billions upon billions of people to suffer death and disease...cancer and heartbreak..loss and pain....far easier surely to have wiped satan out before he manifested himself.....?...