Noidea, I didn't even say anything to my sib's. They already think I've got demon's in me and they jump out of my skin! lol =;o)
I'm taping it!
Tink =:o)
tuesday's dateline will deal with the child abuse charges against the witnesses in pa., the one that was in a dallas morning news story a week or so ago.
however, in sundays closing talk at terrell, bro.
strahly said " keep in mind , these are apostates and that christians would want to avoid viewing that program.
Noidea, I didn't even say anything to my sib's. They already think I've got demon's in me and they jump out of my skin! lol =;o)
I'm taping it!
Tink =:o)
said the two older "sisters" at my door not more than one hour ago.. a nice conversation ensued that left them not able to answer questions, and had them falling back to the tried and true 'hovah belief that "we have the truth" b.s.. i swear that i could actually see the mental blinders closing over their eyes as i explained things they did not know.
frustrating, yet very predictable.. they had the balls to say not to believe everything i read!
i ask them the same question about their religion.
I liked the *been there, done that* at the end!
I talked to my j.w pioneer sister today, a family matter about my uncle. We are actually getting along, getting along at a distant, but we're getting along! We were talking about something and then,
wham-o, she starts talking about *this ol system* not being around much longer, they are going to sell their house and buy a trailor, this ol system can't be around another hundred years bla bla bla bla........
I just stumbled into something else, and dodged the bullet. It was a flashback of conversations with my mother!
You handled the hovah chicks perfectly, you devil you! Tink =;o)
at about 6:30 this evening my mother passed away.. .
the best mother and the best wife anybody could ever be blessed with.
she was not only my mother, she was my friend.
Amanda, I'm so sorry to hear about your mama. My thoughts will be with you! Take care of yourself!
okay, my ex says that sex is just sex, it isn't love.
love is deeper than sex, and sex is just to feel good...he also says that love is an entirely different thing, and if i think having sex has anything to do w/ sex, then i am crazy.
what is your views on this..
Richard, you wrote.....
The physical separation we must endure now does not allow lovemaking, and it is so hard not to have a way of telling her how much I truly love her and need her forever.
If you don't mind, may I ask why you are physically separated from your wife? Or did I misunderstand that!
I'm sorry if that's your situation. You have such a deep love for your wife. You sound like my husband. Your post almost made me feel bad. I don't think I've ever felt that way about ANYBODY.....not too that degree. Maybe it's me. Maybe that's sad. I donno. I'm sure it's because of my screwed up relationship with my father!
I've just never had that kind of undying love for anyone.....maybe a unhealthly, fatal attraction kind of lust, but naaaaa, no deep deep would die for you kind of love. Sorry, just being honest! I've never had children, that may have something to do with it too....I don't think you really know love, until you have a child.
i got this on my hotmail account today.....when i logged on to just jw's i used hotmail.
i did not put his e-mail address on this.
the best part is that i never posted a pic on just jw.
Oh girl, that hurt me!!!
apparently, disassociated relatives are not allowed to be in the procession lines at kingdom hall services.
they can attend but they cannot be with their relatives to receive condolenses.
this happened recently to someone whose aunt had passed away.
I would have co-cocked that bastard right between the eyes.
what happens the morning after dateline?
how will most jws react?
these are my thoughts on the matter, which, of course, are open to debate:.
What a flashback from the past!!!!
You sounded just like my mother!!!
back in the days of 'hovahville(not to be confused with 'whoville', because whoville was a nice place!
), it got to the point where i secretly wished that i had never learned the "truth".
the dividing of my family, the stupid rules and cong.
Great post T.R.!
Scully, I'm so sorry that you had to go through what you went through. Made me think of when I had to have a emergency hsyterectomy. I was d.f.ed at the time. I lived all by myself. I was only 28 years old and was very anemic also.
During a family get-to-gather at my mother's house, my j.w. mother had my j.w. sister bring *a plate of food* over my house. I couldn't hardly get out of bed. I remember how bad I felt after my sister left my house, I was very depressed to think that MY family was all over at my mothers sitting down together for a meal and here I am sick, all by myself. I through the plate in the trash. So many times I would hear of family gathering's, anniversary parties, I was never invited to any of them. When my father was in the hospital once for heart surgury, my mother wouldn't even speak to me in the parking lot. She was talking to some elders and just turned her back away from me. I could go on and on...............
We all have been through some pretty heart renching experiences, haven't we!
Tink =:o)
some on this forum may remember the thread where i was gushing uncontrolably about my daughter graduating high school and receiving her aa from the local community college.
she will be attending gonzaga u. in the fall, btw.. anyway, just gushing a little more.
this friday is her 18th birthday, then she'll be graduating h.s.
Flattery will get you everywhere!
Tink =;o)
some on this forum may remember the thread where i was gushing uncontrolably about my daughter graduating high school and receiving her aa from the local community college.
she will be attending gonzaga u. in the fall, btw.. anyway, just gushing a little more.
this friday is her 18th birthday, then she'll be graduating h.s.
Adopt me Adopt me
but since we're close to the same age,
you can adobt me as your little sister!!!
T.R. wish your baby a happy 18th birthday!!!!
Tink =:o)