@ punkofnice some of the songs used currently already have special stanza for the GB praise and worship
JoinedPosts by Longlivetherenegades
The Apostles Creed vs. Watchtower
by Sea Breeze inthe apostles creed could be recited in less than a minute in latin.
it was like an ancient youtube video clip: christianity in less than a minute.
it is very ancient, reaching back to the 200's.
Examples of Watchtower flawed interpretation of Bible passages?
by Vanderhoven7 inasking jehovah’s witnesses to interpret specific passages is a great way to demonstrate their interpretive abuse.
got any clear examples?.
The wearing of beard really expose the hypocrisy in their midst
by Atlantis in2025*03*s-147*march*english*and*german*announcements!.
https://app.filemail.com/d/khmudgccmlzpcdp .
Don't you just love LITERATURE truths?
by BoogerMan inas jw's we swallowed such concoctions for years - without a single scripture provided as proof!.
w71 12/15 p. 759 - "apparently, the apostle peter was the chairman of the governing body on the festival day of pentecost of 33 c.e., and the disciple james, the half brother of jesus christ, was the chairman at a later date, according to the account in acts of apostles.
from this, and from what historical evidence there is available, the chairmanship of the governing body rotated.".
Loool @ Rattigan350
When God Hates something or certain things are we expected not to do it 100%?
by Longlivetherenegades inwhen god hates certain things does that mean you are not expected to do that particular thing or certain things 100% .
1. god hates divorce does that mean we are not expected to divorce at all?
(hint: jesus allow divorce) .
When God hates certain things does that mean you are not expected to do that particular thing or certain things 100%
For example,
1. God hates divorce does that mean we are not expected to divorce at all? (Hint: Jesus allow divorce)
2. God hates violence. Does that mean we should hate violence 100%? (Hint: the one who God loves he scourges, to some extent God's punishment comes with degree of violence)
2025**01**15**Ages For Ministerial Servants and Elders!
by Atlantis in2025-01-15-ages for ministerial servants and elders.. see page 2. .
https://pdfupload.io/docs/1b0b5c00 .
What a religious organization 😂🤣😂🤣
For 57 years JW's were compelled to accept this BLASPHEMY as TRUTH
by BoogerMan innamely, that the org & its elite group of "anointed" christians had usurped christ's role.
thank you so much, faithful evil slave!
by their fruits............... for lurking jw's: how many org "truths" have you seen reversed during your life?.
Deluded folks with arrogance
Threat of Deregistration in the Czech Republic
by Vanderhoven7 inenglish translation of czech branch letter to congregations concerning the government looking to deregisterjw as a religion there.. .
@SB, what an experience that is -
1925--2025... 100 years since Rutherford promised paradise earth.
by Witness 007 inrutherford wrote in 1925 "millions now living will never die"...they died.
he also promised that moses and david and all the old bible heroes would live with him in his mansion.
only he lived there till he died in 1942...100 years and not much changed..
Ro1234 where are you from 😂🤣😂🤣
Your Jesus said time and seasons are under the Jurisdiction of the Father you are peddling dates your ancestors did not set the calendar we used today
FAQ LIES: Dress Codes
by neat blue dog inspeaking to the general public:.
frequently asked questions...is there a dress code?no.
however, jehovah’s witnesses try to dress modestly and respectfully.. meanwhile, speaking to members out of the other side of their mouth:.
Many problems of JW FAQS used to project a positive image on the outside and the policies and procedures used to control members inside.