((((((((Wind))))))) Dear friend
I'm sorry, I know nothing can replace our children, but you are loved very much and if I was closer I'd give you a big squeezey hug.
luv ya,
january 26 is a particularly hard day for me.
two of my children were born on this day, five years apart.
i can't wish either one of them a happy birthday.
after reading the latest article in the awake on: "yoga: is it for christians?
" i thought of some other articles i'd like to see in the wt & awake!
magazines.................... .
Haha.what great articles...Here's a couple more..
Questions from readers: Is it wrong to drink alcohol before service?
Will oral sex be allowed in the 'New system'?
Keeping your bed and your marriage honerable..Avoid crack.
Are your pets fornicating in your home?
Is it molestation if I am a ministerial Servant?
The FDS is it really a feminine deoderant spray?
Will working out in service with the same sex make you gay?
Is it proper to serve the Circuit Overseer hotdogs and Top Ramen for lunch after service?
Just because the 'light is getting brighter' and flickers..does that mean Jehovah approves of break dancing?
i was raised in redding california and would love to meet others that live or lived there.
i was there from 1968 until 1982 and then moved to the burney california area.
love to all and blessed be, .
in high school, one friend of mine was offended by flowers for algernon because of the sex bits and refused to take it as part of the english curriculum.
he even gave an experience about it at a ca.
so those of us in the other english classes that year kinda had to refuse to do it too.
Hi Moxy...oohhh the shame of having to be different. Most of my embarrassing moments were in Junior high school. I was asked to go to a hobo party..it was supposed to be at this guys barn ..big bon fire..games food etc. There were even going to be teachers there. I had to tell them I was one of Jehovah's witness's and that I had to go to a meeting that night. I was so not with the crowd..that when a guy asked if I would go with him..my response was,"Where?" Wow! was I embarrassed when he said I mean go steady. It got worse when I had to tell him my beliefs on dating...Gosh there's so many...:) Take care,
in the january 1 issue of each year, they harp on about how many hours the jws did last year etc etc.. how many hours are possibly falsely reported?.
yah..yah..I fudged my report.Everything counted as hours back then..going to the the laundry mat to leave back issues..hmmmmm thats 20 mins...drop off some in the dr.s waiting rooms...about 30 mins..a few phone booths oh about 40 mins. Well thats about 1 1/2 hrs..woah!.. and about 12 mags.
oh lordy.
i dont usually post these messages i get from jw mailing lists.
but this one is pretty hilarious:.
when a woman's fed up...... a man comes home from work early to surprise his wife with.
my ribs that are stinging me right now is the fact that i. still love you.
killed someone you probably are going to jail for a long.
Dearest April, I was glued to the screen. I have been trying to reach you lately with no luck. I hope you are doing well.I'm soooo sorry you had to live the life you did. I know how abuse sucks out your very soul.I'm so thankful for meeting friends like you. Keep in touch and write me.Take care,
i feel cheated because i wouldnt know what its like to experience pregnancy and the birth of my children the way it was meant to be.. a completely natural and joyous event in human life was sabotaged by this religion!.
im sure there are others who know what i mean.. i would be interested to hear stories of others who have had children both inside and out of this organization.. i would like to explain what i mean.. i was raised as a witness and was always expected to be an example.
from as far back as i can remember we were taught that armageddon was just around the corner.
Ranchette, I know what you mean about those talks. I hated it when you know the talks were written for you. When I was pregnant with my second child I was disfellowshipped because of divorcing, and remarrying. I had medical problems, and almost lost my daughter,but had to deal with it by myself. My mom did take me to the hospital,but couldn't talk to me.It took me 15 months to get reinstated so all that time I was pretty much on my own.My husband had to take the kids to see my jw family.Yuck!! Telling the story now sounds so cold in human. My 3 kids were raised in the religion, but got out of it after I left a second time for good. I'm glad they had a new chance at life.Take care,
hi friends;.
just wondering about this subject of holidays again.
i really miss christmas but don't have enough nerve to celebrate it.
Hi Vita, YOU BETCHA !!!. I look so forward to it every year. Every yr. I add more to my collection of holiday decore. My house gets fully lit up. It's hard to explain, but it is so comforting spending time with family, and loved ones. I know, I know, the jw's think we neglect family other times of the yr. Not our family, we are big on family. The music makes you warm, and fuzzy, and you can sit, and watch your tree for hours. Thanksgiving is grand too. I start days ahead preparing wonderful food, and making the house took warm, and toasty. So I welcome it with bells on, and an apron for the gravy. Take care.