I only wanted to live forever if there were no such thing as cellulite.
JoinedPosts by TresHappy
Why did YOU want to live forever??
by Scully inwhat was it about living forever that appealed to you when you were a jw?.
was it the idea that you'd have all the time in the world to do whatever you wanted to do?
were you thinking about travelling the world and seeing it all transformed into a paradise?
Stupid drunk drivers......
by Jesus Christ inmy house is at the end of a fairly busy street that dead ends in our front yard and then takes up again a few houses down.
i was trying to set up some email stuff for a client tonight around 10:30 when i heard some police sirens.
i stood up and looked out my window to see a pair of headlights quickly coming towards my house with the police behind them.
I will admit I drove home drunk a time or two when I was a dumb teenager. But after being hit by a drunk driver nearly 20 years ago, I became very sensitive on this subject. Two weeks ago a Dallas cop was handling traffic when a drunk drove into him and killed him instantly. Now that fellow is facing a potential 20-year sentence for intoxication manslaughter. How about the 4 teenage girls in Brock, Texas that were on their way to return a video when they were all killed? That guy plea bargained and got a 5-year sentence. The list is endless.
Stupid drunk drivers......
by Jesus Christ inmy house is at the end of a fairly busy street that dead ends in our front yard and then takes up again a few houses down.
i was trying to set up some email stuff for a client tonight around 10:30 when i heard some police sirens.
i stood up and looked out my window to see a pair of headlights quickly coming towards my house with the police behind them.
Drunk driving is preventable in the sense that people make a choice to drink or not. I have a loved one who becomes a really horrible jerk when they drink. Plus this person drives while drinking, although has never been caught by the legal authorities. They need to stay from it totally..actually this person needs to be in rehab, although they won't admit it to themselves. Living with a drunk takes its toll on the family and all relationships. That's why groups like AA are wonderful for support, but if the person won't go and think they can do it alone is just blowing smoke.
Describe Your "STATUS" In The Congreg...
by minimus inif you were to describe what your status was in the congregation, what would it be?
were you viewed as mature?
in "good standing", a pain in the rear?
Let's see...I once was called rebellious by an elder, equivalent of Satan by one of my parents, and "too outspoken."
Stupid drunk drivers......
by Jesus Christ inmy house is at the end of a fairly busy street that dead ends in our front yard and then takes up again a few houses down.
i was trying to set up some email stuff for a client tonight around 10:30 when i heard some police sirens.
i stood up and looked out my window to see a pair of headlights quickly coming towards my house with the police behind them.
Drunk driving is so preventable. I feel sorry for law enforcement, because you can't deal with drunks. They think they know everything and become very abusive. Their arrogance is almost laughable if it weren't so pathetic. I was hit by a drunk driver July 4th weekend 1983. My friend and I survived without a scratch, however my car was totaled. What did my drunk driver do? He ran out of his car and ran into someone's back yard garden passed out from being so gassed. At least I came away from it with my life. The most famous person to ever be involved in a drunk driving accident, the late Princess Diana, did not.
Spiritual Abuse of Jehovahs Witnesses
by Sirona inthe watchtower is guilty of spiritually abusing the individual jws.
this link shows the criteria of spiritual abuse and see how well it fits the watchtower/jw organisation.. sirona
I went on that journey entitled "Abuse on the Elder Express." Thank goodness I got off before I totally derailed.
My First Rock Concert....
by TheSurvivor innow in my 40's i went to my first and most probably last rock concert last night.
i took the wife and kids (if you can still call them that with the youngest taller than me) to see the "motor city madman....ted nugent.
i guess that i am just not the rock and roll type.
My first concert was way back in 1976. Cat Stevens came to town and my friend and I went ALONE! I was barely 14 but it was a magical moment for me. The next year or so Cat Stevens converted to Islam and changed his name to Yusef Islam. He destroyed all of his original records. Here's a picture of what he looks like today.
Super Bowl Predictions
by WildTurkey in.
im a huge cowboy fan but i dont think they will make it to the super bowl, damn sure would love to be wrong.
ok here is who i think as of right now pittsburgh stealers and san francisco 49ers and god i hate them both, well thats my pick how about you?
With the Cowboys' current record, they will be lucky to match last year's record of 5-11. The bright thing is that they won't lose this weekend, especially since it's their bi week!
Do You Believe In God Or Not?
by minimus inif you've been associated with the witnesses, believing in god was a necessity.
do you still feel that god exists?
if you believe in god, do you feel that he cares about you?
I always believed in God, although I was pretty pissed at Him when I left the WT. I believe in the Christian faith, however organized religion will have no place in my life. Too oppressive!
by Mary in.
i think everyone has had an experience with deja vu; i know i have and it's really freaky when it happens.
i'll be standing there talking to someone and that feeling comes over me that i've done this before; i've had the exact same conversation with this person and i can even predict what they're going to say.. with someone i know, that's one thing; having this experience with someone i've never met before is really bizarre.. i've heard all kinds of theorys as to what deja vu is: a "delay" in the brain, reincarnation, someone in the future has changed the past and we sometimes 'repeat' things, it's all in your head, it's satan.......... i'd be interested to hear what sort of experiences you've had with deja vu and what you think it is........ .
Deja is the french word for already.
Vu - is the past tense for voir = to see.
Hence deja vu = already seen.