The "end" will happen one day. Our end could happen any time.
Eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow you may be radioactive.
and it was really neat!
it felt a little strange, though.
technically, i guess this isn't my first birthday present because big tex left me a dozen roses on my car the first year we met, on the eve of my birthday (with a note that read "to my favorite middle-aged pioneer" - i married him anyway).
for the first time in nearly two years, we were invited out for a meal by a bunch of dubs from the cong'.
the former po, his wife and mother-in-law and a couple of single mums and their kids.
frankly i could've done without it - all the pretence etc.
I absolutely loved Scooby Doo when I was growing up (still do and watch the reruns on Cartoon Network). I also loved the Brady Bunch (still do and watch the reruns on TV Land). I never thought Scooby Doo was demonic, just fun stuff. I guess I can't watch old TV shows and live vicariously my childhood. Now Scooby Doo's demonic, what's next...I suppose "Schoolhouse Rock" songs were written by Anton LaVey.
after reading some posts on this forum, it is easy to see that some people here are extremely gifted.
some write beautifully.
some arguments are brilliant, too.
the news from this weekend seems to be that retail sales were great this weekend.
walmart set new records for sales.
thats great news for the us economy!.
I am not in the mood to be so self-indulgent this year. What I am in the mood for is to see people get their jobs back and/or new employment. Too many of my friends are doing without this year and it's very sad. Let's all count our blessings that we have jobs, loved ones and a roof over our heads. Just my two cents worth.
okay, i don't mean by "donating" your hard earned money in the contribution boxes.
or, by having your purse or pocketbook taken.
or, by armed, masked men storming into the hall demanding everyone's money and jewelry.
i was reading a post that reminded me of the songs that were popular but was wrong to listen to for various reasons.. we all remember puff the magic dragon being about drugs, which i hear was just a rumour.. another i remember was let it be by the beatles, which was " catholic based about mary the mother of jesus" when apparently it was written about paul mccartney's own mother.
shows what they know.. which songs do you remember that were "bad" that we were not supposed to listen to?
..after you were baptised, and how did you feel?.
i went for a swim, having got baptised at orchard beach, new york.
i was disappointed that i didn't feel any sort of warm glow.. when my dad was baptised, it was at epsom circuit assembly, london.
do you have any odd or unusual reasons why the elder's decided to cancel one of your meetings?.
i don't know if this is necessarily unusual but our hall lost power one cold day.
the meeting was cancelled.
I remember several years back a meeting being switched up a bit. The elder that was supposed to give the talk didn't show up and they held the WT study first. Then a volunteer elder went back and studied the notes of the talk during the WT study and came back and gave a reduced talk, but still a talk. I loved it, I got out 30 minutes early. I remember that elder's extemporaneous abilities being pretty good.