Does anyone know if a lot of matchmaking went on there at those quick builds? (Or as ex-JW's called them, the one-day blunders...) I know several couples who met at those things.
Edited by - TresHappy on 13 December 2002 12:28:10
" for anyone not that familiar with jw lingo, it is when everyone in the congregation gets together to raise a new kingdom hall in about a week, or a weekend.
kind of like the amish do when they have "barn raisings.
" lol.
Does anyone know if a lot of matchmaking went on there at those quick builds? (Or as ex-JW's called them, the one-day blunders...) I know several couples who met at those things.
Edited by - TresHappy on 13 December 2002 12:28:10
something i've wrestled with since i left the organization.
any xdubs out there who are organ donors?
When I was a JW - this is the only organ I would have donated:
When I am gone, they can have whatever I have got they want!
firstly, do you think father christmas (santa claus) exists?
is it lying to children to tell them he exists?
(jws say it is) .
I personally don't like to lie to kids about anything either, and went I left the JW's, I was determined never to teach any kid about SC and lambast any parent who did (angry sort I was!!). Now I feel differently, especially for the little ones. If children believe there is a Santa, let them. Just don't use it like my parents did, making fake phone calls to the North Pole telling Santa how bad us children were...
last night my husband and i went shopping to give some toys to the local toy drive.
i have donated either toys, food, or blankets during the holiday season since i left being a dub.
i have always had the desire to give to charties and people in need since i was young.
I have met JW's who felt that the Society was their charity, however there were others (mainly those converted into JW's) who gave to charities such as Goodwill and others. I know most wouldn't give to the Salvation Army because it was a church. I give to all who need it, mainly Goodwill, since they keep our highways clean in this area.
The ones who felt that the Borg was their charity drove me bonkers. Everything they did had to be "Watchtower approved and sanctioned." Those people are the ones I'd like to hang from the highest tree...
besides minimus?????
?edited by - minimus on 12 december 2002 9:45:44.
In the 70's, lots of guys thought this was the smartest nicest poster:
unless you read books, watch movies, view internet sites and listen to music that are produced by jws in "good standing", you are involved in bad association.
as a jw, do you associate with "worldly" people?
then why would you spend hours upon hours listening to their music?
Bad Association - wasn't that a group from the British Invasion?
a few weeks back a number of you advised me on how to talk with jws who were coming to my door, obviously hoping to engage me in a study.
i have no new news, but those who were concerned that i might join their numbers will be glad to know that i haven't.
i have had lots of time to study up (books at home and y'all's posts) so when they actually come by at a time where i'm not bathing a child/taking one to school/ on my way somewhere, i can probably talk with some degree of intelligence.. still wondering, though, don't these people know how to call ahead?
Call ahead? A JW wouldn't know how to do that...especially when they're out in the neighborhood door knocking and have a sudden urge to parent's house has become known as Urination Station.
do you know people in your congregation, who seem so strong spiritually, that it seems impossible for them to quit or even slow down?
i've seen many come and go, but some are like pillars, and nothing seems to slow them down.
often i wonder, who will be next to get df'd or who will slow down next.
Down here in Texas these are the pillars of our congregation:
They're really nice during a talk (yawn) or when anyone is speaking that WT junk from the podium.
Edited by - TresHappy on 11 December 2002 14:38:57
if i survive it thru the coming inquisition of jan,feb & march....what am i gonna do for the memorial?
if i dont go big questions are going to be asked!
i dont agree with the rejecting passing of the bread and the wine... so what do you think i should do?
I stopped going to the meetings, then I faded slowly from the annual Watch the Bread and Wine Go By Festival because one year I felt so out of place. I didn't believe that stuff anymore and I was just keeping up appearances. My last draw, the 1993 District Convention. I left at lunch and never walked into a meeting of any sort again.
in the january 1 issue of each year, they harp on about how many hours the jws did last year etc etc.. how many hours are possibly falsely reported?.
I don't remember padding my time, but I remember the quality of my time (in JW terms of quality) was that there was a lot of time recorded that was devoted to canvassing laundry rooms.