There was only one intelligent Sister in my congregation - a natural blond.
Naturally I married her and we then left whole shower behind.
as a rule, i believe jehovah's witnesses treat females as sub par to the menfolk.
i knew a lot of women in the hall that were smarter than their mates.
they begrudgingly got respect from most of the elders.
There was only one intelligent Sister in my congregation - a natural blond.
Naturally I married her and we then left whole shower behind.
....spelling errors on the topic headers?.
how much effort does it take to check your spelling before you post a topic??.
just read over some of the topics up for discussion right now and you'll see a very shocking (to me, at least) disregard for accuracy.. if you can't trouble yourself to get your spelling right how are the rest of us going to respect the fact you have your reasoning right either??.
This is a worthy post that has drawn attention to the number of Topic Headings that are badly spelt. I am also uptight enough to think that it shows a disregard for those who read them.
I make mistakes on quickly typed text in some of my replies. As with all mistakes I try to do better next time. I have been on JWD for six years now and it has helped me to improve my spelling. That is because I want to improve. How can someone not want to improve and do something better?
What I struggle with is people defending their mistakes and saying that they are of no importance. There are adults who have never bothered to learn to read and write. For those who have bothered, why stop half way. If it has been worth the trouble of learning to read and write, it is illogical to be proud of doing it badly. Such an attitude just makes the person look foolish.
It is one thing to walk around with a bogie on your nose by mistake. It is quite another to be proud of it and suggest that people who take the trouble to clean their noses are egotistical, uptight, arrogant and sexually frustrated!
<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; color: #0000cc; } .style2 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style3 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; } --> you need to give credit to the society for your education.the watchtower and awake magazines have been helping individuals receive a g.e.d .
or high school diploma.
where did you learn the art of public speaking?
The Wanderer
There is something disturbingly greasy about your approach
to people’s emotions and the life changing experience they have been through.
You present yourself as a champion of the people, using unusual
and subtle reactionary methods to get the low-down now it is to be an
ex Jehovah’s Witness
In reality you ere employing media tactics and presentation that
seek to exploit people’s need and emotion to gain the attention
that you so obviously crave.
Why don’t you share a little of your own emotion about your
experience instead of acting like this is some type of magazine
interview you have been commissioned to preside over?
Of course I could be wrong - for the second time in my life –
my apologies in advance.
<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; } .style2 {color: #ff0000} .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style4 {color: #0000ff} .style5 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; } .style6 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; } .style7 {color: #000000} --> former jehovahs witnessare hypocritesit amazes me how these people who once donned three-piece suits .
with book, bag and bible in hand are now singing the blues.
these former jehovahs witnesses, who would annoy a man and his.
A hypocrite would be someone who remained a JW despite not believing it was The Truth. To leave takes honesty.
How would you answer to the above charges?
Everyone has the right to grow and change, it is the way in which we evolve and develop as people. We learn from our mistakes and if we have a conscience, try to share our experience with other who we perceive to be making the same mistakes.
is the watch tower name going away?
i'm seeing more use of the "jehovah's witnesses" name where the watch tower name once was such as the sponsors of the summer conventions.
is this new, or am i just noticing it?
The new thing seems to be 'Jehovah's people.' A reference to the Biblical assertion that Jehovah would take out 'a people for his name.' Take out as in adopt - not in the terminator fashion - I assume!
Some prick once informed me that he was 'one of Jehovah's people.' I asked him if he believed that Jesus had died for all humanity to pay for the mistake that Adam had made. He confirmed that he did. I then suggested that we were all 'Jehovah's people,' otherwise Jesus was short changed.
Our conversation led to him to admit that acceptance of The Watchtower Society was also necessary to benefit from the sacrifice that Jesus is said to have made. I told him that I would join his religion if he could show me that the Bible or even his version of the Bible.
Still waiting...
what you reward you tend to get more of.. what you punish tends to atrophy.. the balance between a good act and a bad one consists of the consequences.. society has found many ways to treat bad behavior.
the worst being imprisonment and execution (if not torture) for high crimes.. but, there is a core philosophy among altruists and christians of a certain stripe who advocate forgiveness.. so, we ask the question : does forgiveness make any sense?.
when we do harm we cause an effect.. the effect injures others or their property.. to restore what is harmed a system of justice has developed to deal with administering the pressure toward restoration (when possible).. fines, community service, reparation for damages all constitute that restoration process.. insurance companies act as brokers in the case of "accidental" causes and effects and their remedy.. but, in the realm of religion the principle of forgiveness rears its ugly head!.
If someone breaks the law then the law enforcement agencies are paid to deal with the crime. They will often act in a rather weak and ineffective way but they are all we have, unless we put ourselves outside the law. Law breakers should be punished but there are many other wrongs that are committed that are not covered by law.
In such cases involving personal situations, forgiveness is not a word that exists in my vocabulary.
I ACCEPT and move on. This does not mean condolence but the realization that holding onto grievances that will never be resolved is unhealthy.
Hoping for justice, vengance, fairness is a pipe dream. Reality is harsh and life is what it is and life is too short to waste time seeking closure on past wrongs.
ACCEPTACE and the ability to move on are the qualities found in a survivor.
Most people's emotional problems stem from their inability to ACCEPT WHAT HAS HAPPENED, wipe the slate clean and MOVE ON.
the most complicated, transcendant (outside of time and space) mind in the universe is the universe.. that is an antimony, by the way.. this mind we can call "god".
it simply "is".. what the consciousness of this mind considers is more real than the dreams we have or the plans we make.. that is the premise of what follows.
read on..... this mind (all) is considering creating heavens and earth.
Very deep Terry - almost religious!
The idea that we are nothing more than a thought that is considering options makes some sense. Eastern religion talks of the ‘world of form’ that is evidence of a true reality invisible to us.
Even the bible refers to this to world as ‘a shadow of the things to come.’ But the idea that it is not really happening but God or the Universe just thinking out loud of or ‘out of his cloud’ is intriguing.
It has been said before that we are nothing more than a giant thought. In the end we are as real as we believe ourselves to be. Once we see though our own identity the illusion is lost and we become transient piles of dust held together by thought. Are they our thoughts of is the universe thinking through us?
At the end of the day, or what we perceive to be a day, we either accept that there is a mind at work in the universe that may be thinking through us or independently of us or we are alone.
I can't say I am bothered either way!
nutshell premise: the central doctrine of christianity is that jesus christ died in order to atone for and secure god's grace for the sins of all mankind.. then what is the central doctrine of jws?
(it most surely is not the above.).
iow, what, essentially, is 'the truth'?.
It does not matter what they teach or how many times they change their mind about what they believe. It is all packaged under the brand name The Truth.
Anyone who wants to live forever in a New World can achieve this by demonstrating unquestioning obedience and loyalty to The Watchtower Society. Then they are IN The Truth, they HAVE The Truth and IT is The Truth.
To question this Truth is to die.
i found this newspaper article online today........jr brown makes a comment why there are no windows in kh's.
by phillip milano, the times-union.
Windows - is a term that has become associated with Bill Gates and the worldly Internet which JWs are admonished to avoid due to demon influence.
JWs must set themselves apart from such a connection and feel the need to make a physical gesture to emphasise their rejection of all that is Worldly and Windows.
right i need the help of someone who knows their bible.
ive been out of the truth too long and have forgotten the info im looking for.. .
i once did a school assignment on what was basically the parable of the prodigal son, only it wasnt that.
Folklore, legend, imagination, wishful thinking and so on.
Why not make up your own parable or fable - that's what people did before television came along?