Topics Started by trudy
Do You Believe In God Or Not?
by minimus inif you've been associated with the witnesses, believing in god was a necessity.
do you still feel that god exists?
if you believe in god, do you feel that he cares about you?
News about Stayton, Oregon & Monmouth, Oregon
by Swan innews about stayton, oregon & monmouth, oregon.
i'm actively seeking any news from anyone in these areas about friends and family in those congregations.
any news that you can give me will be greatly appreciated.
US Assemblies
by Satanus inif it has been posted, i apologise and ask to be directed there.
can someone furnish the dates and places of the district conventions in the us?
this would be useful for a few who are wrestling w the wt.
The Bible Does Not Condemn Witchcraft
by Sirona inthe jws are against anything remotely pagan and they're certainly against witchcraft.
they say the bible condemns it.
scriptures such as exodus 22:v18 "you must not preserve a sorceress alive" (nwt) or as the king james version says "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live".
How is Salvation Achieved?
by JosephAlward insave yourself with good works.
jesus says that one will inherit eternal life if one does the following things: obey the commandments, and give to the poor all that one owns.
faith is not enough.
They Came Back!
by jerome ini just thought that i'd inform the board that they decided to come back after all.. right now i have to do something so i'll fill in the details later tonight.. the guy dident come back though.
it was only the lady and her daughter.. let me tell you, it was absolutely pointless.
except for one thing.. they were surprised about the un thing, but other than that nothing mattered.
she won't stop
by apostate woman inwhere do i start?
my mom and dad had gotten into the jw religion about 23 years ago.
about 5 years ago, my mom fell away from the religon and then eventually ended up divorcing my dad.
Witnesses are coming to my door Sunday!
by jerome inthis post is pretty long so i just thought that i'd warn you.. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>.
w: yes he is but he is only the god of this world.
after all if what these people say is true then anybody that dosent know what it is in deep trouble.
JWs True Christians or Antichrists?
by Belligerent Paladin injehovahs witnesses true christians or antichrists.
are witnesses the only true christians on earth?
are they the only ones who truly know what it means to be a christian and to apply those principles in their day-to-day life?