I have changed so much since I left the WTS about a year and a half ago, that at times I don't even recognize the person I used to be. I was going to say I don't recognize who I have become, but that is not true. Now I am and am becoming more and more who I always should have been, who I would have been a long time ago if I hadn't been diverted from it for 27 years as a witness.
As a witness, I was a miserable, sad, fat, frumpy mess, just trudging along trying to 'endure to the end'. Now, I am a much happier person, have lost the excess weight and got fit, and learned to look better and feel better about myself and my life. I am doing new things and having adventures, taking lesson in activities I always wanted to do but was waiting for the 'new system' to pursue, and trying things I never thought I would. I am having a great time doing these things.
As far as changing my view of the world, yes, it has changed very much. I was always a very accepting person, but it was buried under my witness judgementalism. Now, I find so much satisfaction and freedom in being able to accept other people, their ideas, their lifestyles, and their ways as part of the interesting diversity of life. Some I can join with, some I cannot, but I can learn from it all.
I can feel free to read and assimilate whatever I want to, without having to censor my intellectual curiosity to a party line of thought control.
And as far as the question of beliefs on sexual morality as propounded by the WTBS, I have diverged widely from their viewpoint. But overall, my moral code is not too different. I strive to live in a way so as not to unnecessarily hurt other people, and help whenever I can.
Pat, I couldn't agree more about not having to feel a failure because my children chose a different path than the one I set out for them. Because one of my sons left the witnesses while I was still in, I felt like a total failure, and it crushed me. Now, I am so happy he is out with me, and I feel sad about the one who is still in. But, he seems to be happy, and as long as that is so, then I am happy for him. If the time comes when he starts to get disillusioned with JWs, then I will be there to help him get out if possible.