Last year we heard a brother giving a public talk in the KH say - "We must wash our brains clean of the former thought and embrace the correct 'New Light' from Jehovah's faithful and discreet slave."
when jws accept new light they must, by default, accept that what they were teaching was false.
they allow themselves the luxury of error so long as it is in the pursuit of better understanding.. .
you would think this scenario demands that allowance be made for other religions with false teachings, but alas, no.
Last year we heard a brother giving a public talk in the KH say - "We must wash our brains clean of the former thought and embrace the correct 'New Light' from Jehovah's faithful and discreet slave."
our insightful posters on this site were able to predict the new "spirit directed" generation teachings and fds teaching even years in advance.
what bomb do you thing will be dropped this year?
i know it will be big.
The Watchtower and Awake magazines will no longer be printed in favor of handing out pamphlets and DVD's, i pad witnessing and
Witnessing in public (carts and tables) will now be favored over door-to-door witnessing. "Please send your gas money for the World Wide Work."
'Sisters' will now be given titled responsiblities in the congregation - as readers, microphone handlers, literature/magazine/territory assistants, Kingdom Hall care leaders.
my wife told me today that during a conversation with a relative on the phone recently, the relative said that someone in their congregation had been invited to take part in a branch extension in a foreign country.
this young woman who had been asked to take part is a solid witness, though not a pioneer, but guess what?
she is an architect!
The Watchtower Society has sent (and paid for) men to become exchange for future pro bono representation.
We know of a brother in Texas who is a dentist. He used to make annual trips to Brooklyn to work on the GB and other men in position.
Don't fool yourself. The GB will recruit (into their inner circle) Witnesses with money, education and specialized professions.
what governmental requirements are their for full disclosure of the proceeds from sales of property made by a not for profit organization such as the wtb&ts.. how does the wtb&ts explain their charitable status when they do not provide any charitable benefits to anyone , when all their members , jehovahs witnesses are not employed by them , they are just volunteers.. does american law allow religous institutions to hide monetary transactions or is their full transparency regarding their use of their money.. how can a multi million $ publishing company , engaged in a multi million $ real estate organisation be considered as a not for profit organisation .. is their anything like an auditor general in the usa that needs to investigate these things ?.
just asking.. smiddy.
Religious organizations in the US have a unique status regarding financial transparency. The Federal Government has checks in place to stay out of the religion business.
These laws were a primary reason that, after Charles Russell passed away, J.F. Rutherford turned the Bible Student movement into the new religion called Jehovah's Witnesses. Maintaining a religious status with governments keeps an organization tax free and protected.
Only in solid cases of embezzlement within a religious organization will a District Attorney press charges.
'Managing' funds and assests is not embezzlement - no matter how large the religious organization.
today i heard from the owner of a small restaurant, the story of how a brother in a local congregation ripped him off for thousands.
the restaurant owner is not a jw but totally familiar with the cult, as his mother is a long-time baptized sister.
she asked him to hire this wonderful brother from her congregation to do construction work he needed at his house.
I learned many years ago not to hire a JW or work for a JW.
It's not worth the risk - most times YOU get the shaft.
just a rumour but i guess it makes sense - i've a friend on a circuit committee ( he knows it's not "the truth" but for family & work reasons he stays in ) & he says that the wtbts have told them not to book a swimming pool for next years one day assemblies as the plan is to have only one baptism a year at the main regional ( what they used to call "district" ) convention.. with the drop off in baptisms so that sometimes there isn't anyone baptised or just a handful , i guess this is inevitable.
i remember going to a baptism a few years ago - we had hired a municipal 25 metre swimming pool and only one person ( a rather confused and scared middle aged lady who hadn't been in a swimming pool since her youth ) was being baptised - it was all something of a farce with the "worldly" staff looking on very puzzled at such an elaborate & expensive ceremony for one person.
) also with both assemblies being one day with just short morning & afternoon sessions , i suppose it is sensible to ditch the baptism talk - it tends to be something of a snoozefest anyway at the end of the morning session.
If this is true I would bet the the WT will come up with a new title for anyone set to get baptized at the Convention. You we now have "Unbaptised Publisher."
Perhaps :
- "Baptismal Candidate"
- "Dedicated Publisher"
- "Minister in Waiting"
- "Minister in Training"
- "Baptismal Apprentice"
- "Whole Souled Publisher"
in a private conversation with a c.o.
friend from north carolina, he told me yesterday that they just got a letter that all traveling overseers (do's & co's) age 70 & up are going to be laid off on 09/01/2014.
they will be asssigned to local congregations and further details are pending.. .
I'm seeing (and hearing from other parts of the US) a younger crop of Circuit Overseers too.
Getting rid of the older CO's also gets rid of a part of JW history that is still fresh in their memory - failed 1975 prediction, the generation that "will not pass away", WT's involvement as a NGO with the United Nations .... and the days when the CO could give talks specific to each congregation or make decisions on his own without the heavy handed control of Headquarters.
someone told me today that at the annual meeting something was said along the lines that, we do not need to be like the boreans and search that everything is true because we know we have the truth.
can anyone confirm this?.
I don't have the quote. But this same thought is expressed in the publications - that the Boreans, before they became Christians, examined the scriptures thoughly as proof. After they were baptised, according to the WT, they no longer had the desire to research or question their new religious faith.
hello my fellow "apostates".
just wanted to say hi.
i'm still in the borg but mentally out.
Take your time. Quietly observe others in the congregation. Think to yourself. Take mental notes. Be patient.
Protect your position. Password protect your computer. Erase your internet history. Don't write, text or email about your realizations. Be careful.
this may have been discussed, but i just recently was told that a km this past year stated that inactive ones are now to be treated as if they are df'd.
is this so?
Because many of the decisions the WT leadership makes is about available funds, an official policy of shunning the inactive won't ever happen.
They want these folks to be 'reactivated spiritually' > get them back to the Hall so they can once again stuff the contribution boxes or swipe their credit cards.