My favorite quote right now is in my signature.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
when a difficulty is deep and painful, the triumph is glorious and jubilant.. -spartacus 2001
My favorite quote right now is in my signature.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
what things in life are the most important to you individually?.
please rank the following in order of importance to you.
i realize that several things may rank close to, or exactly the same, but please rank them in order.. if you wish to remain anonymous, please email your answers to
[ ] Family Related, Including Family Relationships
[ ] Career Related, e.g., Satisfaction, Achievement, Promotion
[ ] Practical Wealth—Ability to Reasonably do What You Want, When You Want
[ ] A Hobby
[ ] Relationships, Friends
[ ] Performing a Service to Humanity
[ ] Personal Growth, Self-Discovery, Mental Wellness
[ ] Peace With Who You Are
[ ] Personal Freedom
[ ] Other (Please feel free to specify if you wish)
I don't need to be filthy rich, but if it happens, it happens.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
does anybody know of ..anybody that has read coc and not been affected so as to leave/question the society?
i myself haven't read it, but am curious about this.. thanks,.
I've said this before but I will say it again.
If Ray Franz' books, either one of them, had contained just one false statement, the organization would have slapped a lawsuit on him. So they did the only thing they could do to people like him that tell the truth, they spread rumors and label him an apostate.
In the organization, an apostate is considered the most vile of sinners. Murderers, pedophiles, adulterers, child/spouse abusers rank higher than apostates. That is just the worst thing you could be.
i have seen coc posted on the internet in german, and possibly in at least one other foreign language.. coc has been out in english for 18 years.
i obviously don't know any of the particulars regarding ray's financial needs, his deal with the publisher, or the annual sales.. however, i would like to make an appeal to the various interested parties that coc be posted on the internet.
surely there are other parties interested enough, with financial resources to compensate ray equal to his annual income from the sale of coc.
Or do what I did, go to the bookstore and order under an anonymous name. Then when you are finished, donate to the public library. If you have the x-tra money, buy a copy for one or two libraries in your area. If anyone in the congregation is having doubts, I'm sure they would head for the library for research.
i'm just like everyone else here when it comes to the upcoming dateline nbc segment.
i am really anxious to hear in advance what is going to be said and i sincerely hope that not only will it help the "silent lamb" victims but that it will also reach at least a few hearts in the witnesses.. but i've been seeing constant references to it lately and i get the idea that some of us may have too high of hopes.. by no means do i mean to try to discourage silentlambs, i think sl will understand and agree with what i am saying here.. my friends, please remember that this will be a situation of 20 minutes or so of airtime by "worldly" media going against lifetimes of teachings by an old and highly skilled powerful worldwide organization.. one reporter from nbc will have approximately 20 minutes to present a very complicated issue with interviews and narration and some minutes will be sacrificed for commercials.
even if nbc decided to devote an entire dateline episode to the topic, it would still leave only a scant amount of time to try and deliver such a weighty story.
Sorry, Grunt but I have to disagree with you. I think the R&F are already being conditioned that the news media is evil, hence, better not watch, especially when it is persecuting the WTS.
Of course, if it (Dateline) were going to expose the Catholics for the very same thing, then ALL would be encouraged to watch (for service points).
i know that many of you have read coc.. was you mind made up about leaving the org.
before or after you read it?
I, like many of the other posters, had the doubts first. Before that I would have not considered reading CofC. Therefore, the book confirmed my doubts. After I read that it was ISOCF and that was it. While I still occasionally attend meetings, not because I want to, but sometimes I go to keep family happy, in my heart and mind, I am done with it.
As was mentioned before, once you read both of Franz' books, I don't think you can ever go back to believing the BS.
My next project is Gentiles Reconsidered. I've heard that it was very enlightening as well.
i received the suggestion below in an email and thought it might be a nice gesture.
if you would like to send flowers or cards of support to the courthouse the address is:.
adams county courthouse.
I think a card sent to her would be great. If you have an address, please post it. If nothing else, she would know that there are many out there supporting her in spirit.
money and the wtbs.
"stop storing up for yourselves treasures upon the earth, where moth and rust consume, and where thieves break in and steal.
rather, store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes, and where thieves do not break in and steal.
Big Jim,
You bring up points that made my blood boil a couple of years back. That was one of the things that made me stop and go hmmmm, what the hell is going on?
Talk about your double standards!
please tell me i made the right decision.
last night the co and another elder showed up at our house just 5 minutes after my husband got home from work (i think they were sitting on the side of the road just waiting for him to come home)*stalkers*, anyway to make along story short, the pressure was on.
i felt like they were there to get us to da ourselves.
Sarah and Husband,
My heart goes out to both of you. I know that someday in the near future I will probably be facing what you just went through.
While everyone's circumstances are different, I think if I were in your shoes, I would first consider it a great relief, but I would also sit down, right away, and write a letter to my friends and family and explain what the situation is. This is your chance to expose the heartless bastards for what they are.
Explain that for a while you have had doubts about certain things and then say what those doubts were. Then proceed with what transpired the night you received your so-called shepherding call. This may be their only chance to hear things about the organization that they might not hear otherwise.
Your family may put up a fence at first, but down the road they might reflect on some of the things you said.
Also, stress that you will always be there for them even if they cannot be there for you at this stressful time.
Keep us posted.