There was a congregation in the city that had their meeting on Thursday. But when the convention list was announced, they moved their meeting to a Monday night so they can have the list before the Tuesday night meeting cong could use it. I don't know how they justified that to the congregation or as elders. A few years later the CO put an end to that.
JoinedPosts by Rattigan350
More KM convention instruction gems! (KM Feb 04)
by ozziepost intruthseeker brought news to us of the controlling instructions in the april km .
just two months before (feb04) were instructions on how to make hotel and motel reservations and has these mind-numbing gems: (they're on page 8) .
Watchtower says:You can be Disfellowshiped for being FAT!!!!!
by Witness 007 inwatch 1974 p.167 "by disobediently overindulging in food and making a glutton of himself, he fails to show love for food a big thing in his life?
in the presence of others does he selfishly ignore their needs and take far more than his fair share?
is he grossly overweight?
Gluttony is not a reason to disfellowship. I can go to a buffet and eat 9 pieces of pizza and dessert and not gain any inches or weight. I do that because I can. And if I couldn't do that then I wouldn't. Which goes to self control.
I think that gluttony has more to do with greed and wastefulness. (Sure it is wasteful for me to eat 9 pieces of pizza in one sitting as it comes out the other end the next day, but then so does any fiber)
But others can eat a little and gain weight and inches. But they gain weight and inches and don't stop.
You CAN'T GAIN WEIGHT BY BREATHING. Eating must be done. It is a matter of self control.
If you are at a filling station and the pump turns off when the tank is full, the pump stops and you stop pumping. Then burn it up and that empties the tank and when the tank is low you fill up again.
Humans don't have that mentality with their bodies. They fill it up, don't burn it up and then fill it up again.
It is not an issue of disfellowshipping but as the original post said: "because of his greedy ways they may SHUN HIM....he may incur Gods displeasure and LOSE HIS the near future God will bring lawdefying GLUTTONS TO AN END.."
Yeah, we shun fat people because they are fat. We don't need an official announcment of disfellowshipping for that. Human nature does that. And yes they will lose their lives because it is unhealthy.
Proper understanding of the Mediator & New Covenant
by Crazyguy inmediator and the new covenant.
the society has taught that only the 144,000 are to par-take of the emblems and jesus only mediates and died for them.
"he is the mediator between his heavenly father, jehovah god, and the nation of spiritual israel, which is limited to only 144,000 members.
I wish this topic would stop surfacing when it need not.
Moses was the mediator of a covenant between Jehovah God and the 12 tribes of Israel. Those not born in
Israel, couldn't change that fact by their arguing doctrine.
That forshadowed how Jesus would be mediator between Jehovah God and a new nation of Israel. A spiritual nation of Israel.
That was also 12 tribes and totals 144,000. Those not born into that nation can't change that by arguing doctrine.
So what's the point of arguing?
WT Mar 15th 2012 - 144,000 no longer a literal number?
by dozy inreading idly through this magazine , i read the study article "rejoicing in our hope" which discusses the two "hopes" according to the wtbts ie heaven & earth.. a couple of points were of interest:.
(1) absolutely no mention at all of the 144,000 or rev 14. usually an article like this would be filled with references , but it isn't even mentioned.
it does discuss the "limited number" , but only in contrast with the "no man can number" great crowd.. (2) a much more laid back attitude towards the two hopes.
Why do people keep concerning themselves over anointing and going to heaven. Neither are something one has control over.
Has Gambling Become A Conscience Issue Among JWs?
by FreeAtLast1914 inthe reason i ask is that i have a coupe of cousins who are still jws who have gone gambling in casinos with us.
i have a brother-in-law who openly brags about his "perfect" blackjack strategy he employs in vegas when he's in town.. i know that growing up as a jw, gambling of any kind was a dfing offense.. is my jw family simply more liberal than most, or has there been a subtle shift in this area since i've been out?.
Gambling isn't the DFing offense, "making a practice of" gambling is.
No, losing is.
Winning and being intelligent about it, would be the opposite.
I don't see why anyone would tell anyone else about it. Always keep winning quiet.
The official list of things for which you may be disfellowshipped
by slimboyfat infrom the secret elders' book which states that the list "of course" is "not comprehensive".
nevertheless here are the acts that they deem worthy of specifying as being possible grounds for chucking people out:.
murdermanslaughter such as killing someone while breaking traffic lawsattempting suicidesexual intercourse with someone other than your spouseanal sex with someone other than your spouseoral sex with someone other than your spousesexual stimulation of the genitals of someone other than your spousedelay in reporting a rape?
To be fair, many of those things are illegal such as murder and manslaughter and the child things under 10-14, #25,
34,35,37,39, 40, 48
"#19: Fondling breasts without the intention of marrying So if we're engaged, it's ok! "
Technically if two are engaged, then it is not fornication for anything since it would be done for love and not for pornea.
Do You Fully Support "Obamacare"?
by minimus inis it everything you thought it would be?
are you happy that this law is being initiated?.
It does not address the real problem, it just spreads the costs around.
The real problem is that doctors and hospitals charge too darn much.
There are reasons for that:
1. student loans they have to pay off.
2. Malpractice insurance.
3. supply and demand.
1. Government should do something about the cost of education.
2. Government should do something about lawsuits and malpractice insurance.
3. People shouldn't go to the doctor so much. Just a little squirt of bactine and everything is fine. With demand down, prices will drop.
Are you going to heaven?
by compound complex ingreetings:are you convinced (with all due humility, of course) of your future destination according to religious beliefs?
perhaps you'd simply like to journey through outer space, but return eventually to our beautiful planet, earth .
There is no evidence that anyone has consciousness in the spirit realm; otherwise why hasn't anything been done to the earthly realm?
Why Is Stealing From Local Municipalities Not A Sin To JWs? Construction For Example?
by ÁrbolesdeArabia inwhen i begin to think about jehovah's witnesses and stealing from cesar my mind begin's to spin.
last year while walking through a very popular elder's house he showed me how he had doubled the house from the original blue print plans.. .
the inspectors of the county are incompetent or received a bribe, how can you add 1500 sq ft without the building inspector catching the error?
Rattigan who is suppose to pay for the Military? Schools for kids ages 5-18? Provide loans for students to grow the Economy with Hi-Tech Jobs, adding revenue stream. Should the Government collect taxes to pay the injured military soldiers or should we toss them on the street? What is your opinion of Anarchy, good or bad?
The military and people who work for the govenment earn their money. But I'm just saying that if a business or person had a good business year, then the government would demand more of that through income taxes. But what did the government do to earn it? If someone won millions in lottery, the government gets a big cut. For what? What did they do to earn it?
If I make a million, then Coca Cola doesn't automatically get some of it, but the government does. Why? The government should be like a business and those who use it should fund it.
There doesn't need to be a military; why can't everyone just get along? (Vote for Rodney King.)
For All Jehovah's Witnesses: When did Jesus begin ruling as King?
by Darth Rutherford into all jehovah's witnesses, here is an easy question you can answer... when did jesus begin ruling as king?.
watch tower answers:.
following his resurrection, jesus ascended to heaven and waited at gods right hand until 1914 to begin ruling as king.
The seven times put upon the throne of Jehovah ended in 1914, 2520 years after it started in 607. Thus when the kings in the line of David lost their sovereignty, then there was a pause for 7 times, then the only real king who was destined to rule, took power.