"abstaining from the Eucharist,"
What the H is a Eucharist?
I would abstain because I don't know what it is.
talking to a cherished "in" friend, i mentioned:.
"how can you go door to door and represent these outlandish doctrines that make you different from the householders, .
overlapping generations, abstaining from the eucharist, submission to leaders even in the face of unreasonable demands, failed, false prophecies?
"abstaining from the Eucharist,"
What the H is a Eucharist?
I would abstain because I don't know what it is.
jehovah's witnesses claim no one is disfellowshipped for pursuing higher education.
somehow it seems there must be some halfwit sorry excuse for an elder somewhere who personally felt threatened by over educated young whippersnappers and decided to mark every nerd he could point his sweaty little finger with.
The question is: How do they know you are going to university? Since they are advocating trade schools. Why aren't others in the congregation told that you are going to an "approved trade school"?
But then the question becomes: Why are you trying to please people whom you can't be honest with and are not interested in your future?
oh really.
the boy was six year old when he said he was in heaven with the angels.
now he admit it was made up for attention..
Cofty said: What is more likely - That a virgin gave birth, or a Jewish girl lied?
Virgin girls can give birth. Shmi Skywalker did.
If everyone listed JWs, they would have known that none of those kids went to heaven and met with Jesus or angels. That is something that JWs have right.
so i started dating on the internet in june and have met some nice guys.
i have put in a few recent posts that i have a boyfriend and wanted to give an update.
things haven't worked out sadly.. i was seeing him for a couple of months we were having fun and then things tailed off after christmas.
"dating on the internet "
No. You used an internet based introduction service.
"I have found internet dating quite fun."
Translate - getting introductions online but still dating offline, otherwise it is just email.
after many years i just rewatched the prequel trilogy.. the gb just took power upon themselves by creating their own crisis and blame it on the devil or the world; like palpatine/sidious created the conflict that elevated his power.
then the gb elevated themselves by stating that they were the fds, like palpatine elevated himself to emperor.
if anyone disagrees, they are called treasonous and eliminated.. palaptine's manipulation is just like what the gb does.. they play to people's emotions in their efforts to overcome death and defeat death.
After many years I just rewatched the prequel trilogy.
The GB just took power upon themselves by creating their own crisis and blame it on the devil or the world; like Palpatine/Sidious created the conflict that elevated his power. Then the GB elevated themselves by stating that they were the FDS, like Palpatine elevated himself to Emperor. If anyone disagrees, they are called treasonous and eliminated.
Palaptine's manipulation is just like what the GB does.
They play to people's emotions in their efforts to overcome death and defeat death. That is kept dangling in front of them as motivation.
Join us or you will lose your chance to defeat death. Then once they join, they've committed and can't go back. Still no fulfillment of the promise.
Just lies, twisted truths and manipulation.
Allies that are no longer useful are just cast off. Everyone is a pawn.
here is what the jw's say about disfellowinshipping.
i can not seem to past the text from their website help.. .
"We do not automatically disfellowship someone who commits a serious sin. If, however, a baptized Witness makes a practice of breaking the Bible’s moral code and does not repent, he or she will be shunned or disfellowshipped. The Bible clearly states: “Remove the wicked man from among yourselves.”—"
While that is strictly true, the fact is that they df people for many other things than the Bible's moral code - as if it even had one. Some day I will write up my story and post it here.
Another point on this magazine. page 9 para 7
"Is there a Scriptural basis for prophetic pictures? Yes. For instance, Jesus
spoke of “the sign of Jonah the prophet.”
(Read Matthew 12:39, 40.) Jesus explained that Jonah’s sojourn in the belly
of the fish—which would have been Jonah’s grave had Jehovah not preserved
him alive—was prophetic of Jesus’ own time in the grave."
For that to be a type/antitype, that would have been planned by God. The fact that Jesus was dead from Nisan 14 to 16 was a fulfillment of the offering of the Barley on Nisan 16. The fact that Jonah was in the belly of the fish for that length of time was a coincidence because I don't think it was part of God's purpose. Jesus knew of Jonah and what happened and the length; he just used that as an example, rather than his being in the fish that long for a purpose. That is not a prophetic fulfillment, just a coincidence that they could understand and relate to.
para 8 says:"The Bible contains other inspired prophetic pictures."
They are inspired because they are prophetic pictures from their past, not because Paul was inspired of God.
the prophetic pictures - Jehu and Jehonadab. Elijah and Elisha class etc.
Stuff that made the anointed back then feel good.
the w 3/15/2015 page 8 para 5 says:.
"one faithful anointed brother with a record of decades of loyal service commented: i just read the book of job in the new edition, and i feel as if i understand it for the first time!
" many have made similar comments.".
The W 3/15/2015 page 8 para 5 says:
"one faithful anointed brother with a record of decades of loyal service commented: “I just read the book of Job in the new edition, and I feel as if I understand it for the first time!" Many have made similar comments."
Upon first reading, I wondered why all the adjectives. he is faithful, anointed, a brother, record of decades of service and loyal service. Isn't that how it is, always is. Lay on so many adjectives about someone. Pioneer,elder, what kind of elder, CO, DO, Bethelite, what kind of Bethelite, GB, anointed.
As if one or more of those terms were missing, would the meaning change?
Is there a difference between being faithful and having decades of loyal service?
Upon further reflection, it would seem that they are saying that this man, with so many years of service, faithful and loyal and even anointed, didn't understand the book of Job. So how many others who are not anointed, not as faithful not so many years of service understand that book or others? Was that brother one of the GB?
Many made similar comments that they didn't understand the Book and maybe many others, but yet teach it as truth. Wow, that tells alot.
What was done the many decades prior? Those equivalent to the GB didn't understand the Bible.
i was able to use my username in the email address box, as has been mentioned, but apparently the sign in page is case-sensitive.
i was trying different combinations along with my password in various forms when suddenly, a light in the sky!
i'm in!
Why the change?
I don't like it. Harder to manage.
the wts says that the 70 years began when the last jews entered egypt (7th month, feast of gedaliah), and that this final exodus took place in 607 bce.. they then say that jerusalem was destroyed 2 months earlier (5th month) and that this event marked the end of the davidic kingdom, which commenced the 2520 years.
on that basis, if my reading is correct, their 2520 years ended on the 5th month of 1914, not in october.. further confusion reigns, since according to parker and dubberstein, in 607 bce the babylonians inserted an intercalary second elul before tishri.
from memory, thiele says that jeremiah used the babylonian calendar.. i know that their chronology and eisgeses are totally fanciful; i am simply addressing the logic in the thinking that they appear to present.. i have elsewhere shown that it is more likely that the time fom the destruction of jerusalem to the exodus into egypt is more likely to have been at least 2 years, perhaps as long as 4, so i am not canvassing that issue here either.. doug.
Yes, it did. Both started in 607 when Daniel was taken captive.
He knew of Jeremiah's prophesy of the 70 years captivity and when it would end because he knew when it started, because he was there.
In the 3rd year of Jehoiakim's kingsship the 2520 years started when they were invaded as it said in Daniel.