"This scene is clearly a heavenly vision, as they are described as being "before the throne" of God, which is in heaven, not on earth."
Being before the throne has nothing to do with location.
"This verse, along with others such as Philippians 1:23, clearly speaks of a hope for immediate presence with the Lord after death for believers. It affirms the hope of all believers, not just a select few, to be with Christ. "
The reason for being resurrection to heaven is not to be with Jesus. That is what pastors teach to get people to come to their churches. The only immediate presence with Jesus after death is for after Jesus becomes king and their resurrection is instant and they don't sleep in death.
Prior they slept in death waiting.
You shouldn't look at what this or that scripture says and what the translations say.
Look at the mechanics of how things work:
There is no reason for more than 144,000 to be in heaven.
There is no reason for anyone ruling to be on earth. Ruling on earth has no power. It can't accomplish what is needed to accomplish, i.e. resurrect billions and judge them.
Jesus said his kingdom was no part of this world. That is because it would rule from heaven, not from this world.