"He is risen" is totally bad grammar.
I learned that it is rise, rising, rose and has risen. But rise is the wrong word since he was dead and could not rise. He was raised by Jehovah God. So the proper term was he was raised.
sunday hundreds of millions and possibly up to two billion people will join in some service in observance of the resurrection of jesus.
it is the central issue which takes the teachings of jesus from the philosophy of doing good to others to the ultimate truth which it claims.
it was the axial argument of the apostle paul in 1 cor.
"He is risen" is totally bad grammar.
I learned that it is rise, rising, rose and has risen. But rise is the wrong word since he was dead and could not rise. He was raised by Jehovah God. So the proper term was he was raised.
theres a clear difference between prophecies (predictions of future events) and laws(stuff you should and shouldnt do).. now since xians always says jesus fullfilled the law, how does one fullfill a bunch of requirements like dont murder, dont worship idols, shave your beard like this etc.. there are 613 laws in the torah, jewish rabbis have done all the hard work and we have a nice list on wiki.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/613_mitzvot.
im confused which of those some how select a unique individual to be the unique messiah ?
then again there were many messiahs, every king and priest of israel and judea was a messiah.
Rather thatn state the obvious christian belief, try and show a scripture from moses (who wrote the law) that demands a perfect man will come and die and abolish this law. The simple answer is you cant because he in no way hints at a Jesus figure or equivalent.
You cannot fulfill a law you can only fulfill a prophecy. How exactly does one fulfill laws like thou shall not murder, thou shall celebrate the sabbath. If you were born a vegatable you would also not break any of moses laws.
Moses has no prophecies. There are no prophecies about a future messiah like Jesus anywhere in the OT. Jesus does not appear inthe OT. Just be honest, you can still believe in jesus but dont about telling lies that he fulfilled the law of Moses.
Moses wasn't trying to write a demand that a perfect man will come and die and abolish the law. He just wrote what Jehovah told him to, and Jehovah didn't set it out in such clear terms. If it were, then there would be no need for the law as a model.
Jesus fulfilled the law in that he did not break any of it. He went to the temple and made sacrifices when prescribed. When he died, that was no longer necessary. Thus the law stating sacrifices were neccessary, no longer applied; thus he fulfilled the law. The Law as a whole was a prophesy of Jesus and what he was to do. It was a model showing how it was necessary for him to come, die and the spiritual temple in heaven. since we can't see heavenly things, the earthly temple was a visual model of the heavenly things, or a prophesy.
Yes Moses had prophesies. Prophesies about Jesus. Deut 18:18 A prophet I shall raise up for them from the midst of their brothers, like you;+ and I shall indeed put my words in his mouth,+ and he will certainly speak to them all that I shall command him.+ 19 And it must occur that the man who will not listen to my words that he will speak in my name, I shall myself require an account from him.+"
hello all, help me to recognize a possible trend:.
is your current or recently past co or do or their wives of the anointed?.
i think i have discovered a disturbing trend..
Villagegirl, the fact that only kings and priests got anointed by oil means something. Not eveyrone was a king or priest.
I don't see why anyone would want to be one now.
the following is an extract from something i wrote 16 years ago soon after leaving the watchtower.
i am posting it because it may help honest jws consider how far their beliefs are at odds with new testament christians.
if they have "the truth" then their attitude to jesus ought to reflect that of the apostles.
Even if as a JW you allow that the trinity is a false doctrine and that Jesus was created by the Father, how do you explain this gulf in the way you view Jesus as compared to the place he had in the lives and worship of the New Testament Church?
Jesus is the son of Jehovah God and gets worship, but that worship he gets is not the same or at the level that Jehovah gets. It's not the difficult to comprehend. Worship had variations and degrees.
in the march 1, 2012 public wt, pg.23:.
"...when people come to an accurate knowledge.
of god and want to serve him, they are.
Actually I question whether Matt 28:19 is real and authentic and was in the original. It makes no sense. There is no basis for it. Mark 16:16 is spurious.
Infact the Schaff-Herzog encyclopedia question it at
as lamented by members of the governing body higher education is causeing many to leave the organization and so it is demonized by them.. subjects the governing body would hate to see young one study are numerous.
they would like to keep things very simple it is easier to control people.
they would prefere to go backward in technology to the time the first printing presses back in the 16th century, that is the level they work best at.. .
Meeting attendance and field service won't bring everlasting life. There are many that did that and are dead.
No one is saying higher education is a guarantee, but people should not be discouraged.
this is an unfounded delusion or lie either one take your pick.
blondie quoted this on another post and i'm pasting it here.:.
*** w01 4/15 p. 29 do you remember?
The Pope was chosen by holy spirit.
The elders are appointed by holy spirit because of the qualifications in the Bible, inspired by holy spirit.
They want the GB to be appointed by Jesus the same as the apostles were.
SD7 is correct.
They were appointed by other Governing Body members, who were appointed by those on the Governing Body before them. That's the reality. But they need to say otherwise in order to preserve the illusion of being special and chosen. Wonder why?
So the GB was appointed by the board of directors from 1919.
hello all, help me to recognize a possible trend:.
is your current or recently past co or do or their wives of the anointed?.
i think i have discovered a disturbing trend..
Former CO Gordon Merrill was said to be anointed.
as most suspected, the wts filed their brief, at least it looks that way..... http://appellatecases.courtinfo.ca.gov/search/case/dockets.cfm?dist=1&doc_id=2025979&doc_no=a136641.
it also notes aob in excess of word count limit.. wonder if they did that to buy more time?.
Chaserious is correct. There is no duty to proctect unlimited. This case is as bad as people suing dating websites because a person on there attacks someone and they claim that the site did not do background checks or warn. People have the duty to protect themselves just as if they met the person in any other situation and not to rely on others to do so.
at every meeting and every assembly i went to, a sister would always ask me "how are you?
how is your family?
" she says it with a gloomy face every time!
The speakers who always say to keep your comments to 30 seconds or less. But that annoys so much because If I am going to comment, it is not going to be in under 30 seconds. So I just don't comment.