"one faithful anointed brother with a record of decades of loyal service commented: “I just read the book of Job in the new edition, and I feel as if I understand it for the first time!" Many have made similar comments."
Upon first reading, I wondered why all the adjectives. he is faithful, anointed, a brother, record of decades of service and loyal service. Isn't that how it is, always is. Lay on so many adjectives about someone. Pioneer,elder, what kind of elder, CO, DO, Bethelite, what kind of Bethelite, GB, anointed.
As if one or more of those terms were missing, would the meaning change?
Is there a difference between being faithful and having decades of loyal service?
Upon further reflection, it would seem that they are saying that this man, with so many years of service, faithful and loyal and even anointed, didn't understand the book of Job. So how many others who are not anointed, not as faithful not so many years of service understand that book or others? Was that brother one of the GB?
Many made similar comments that they didn't understand the Book and maybe many others, but yet teach it as truth. Wow, that tells alot.
What was done the many decades prior? Those equivalent to the GB didn't understand the Bible.