In the summer of 2019, the congregation that my wife and I attended was merging with another at the Hall. And another congregation at a different Hall was going to start meeting at the Hall at a different time slot to put that Hall up for sale. I had mentioned to her that many Kingdom Halls were being put up for sale to raise money for the lawsuits they had lost. She said I was talking against the organization like an apostate. (We did just have the Watchtower study about child abuse allegations). She then separated from me and left and when many states away to here mothers and sister's. She even had the blessing of the elders for that saying that I was a spiritual danger.
I didn't want people to ask me where my wife was, so I went to the other congregation as they had the meeting schedule that we had prior. After the mergers of 3 congregations to 2, both Sunday and midweek meetings were too full and the parking lots were full. I stopped going all together as I fell through the cracks as there were too many people to notice. Then when the shutdown occurred in March 2020, I checked on here and asked around online and learned of the zoom meetings and cancelations of meetings and assemblies. Once a month I would connect to my dad's zoom meetings. I did that to see old friends from when I grew up. Though I would multitask while doing that and listen to other things. And recently I got a phone call from an elder, one of the ones my wife had talked to trying to arrange a phone call to talk. I blocked his number. A year and a half and now they reach out. The are no shepherds of the flock.