I don't think any of you know what you are talking about here.
While the Law is not in force today, we learn from it's reasons.
Lev 17:10-11
“‘If any man of the house of Israel or any foreigner who is residing in your midst eats any sort of blood, I will certainly set my face against the one who is eating the blood, and I will cut him off from among his people. For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I myself have given it on the altar for you to make atonement for yourselves, because it is the blood that makes atonement by means of the life in it. That is why I have said to the Israelites: “None of you should eat blood, and no foreigner who is residing in your midst should eat blood.”
We are not in the house of Israel or residing in it's midst.
Life of the flesh is in the blood
Blood was to be used on the altar for atonement. Only dead animals were used for atonement, not live ones. They didn't take the blood from live animals and use it for sacrifices as that would not be a sacrifice. The blood of dead animals was used and the life was in the blood because that blood represented the life lost.
So, taking the blood from a live human, it can not be said that the life is in the blood because no life was lost.
So, any fractions or transfusions is not in violation of the Law because no life is lost as life is not in the blood so blood does not represent life.