To scholar and aqwsed12345.
Why are you talking about the NWT and the trinity?
I can and do disprove the trinity without using the NWT at all. The KJV has so many spurious added text to support the trinity. 1 John 5:7; Matt 28:19; Rev 1:11; 1 Tim 3:16 to name a few. Many other translations point that out with footnotes and the exclusions of those texts.
The trinitarians have their pet scriptures.
They connect John 8:58 with the I AM with Ex 3:14 I AM. I ask people who was the first person to make that connection. No one knows. I know that the apostles didn't make that connection. Many times the apostles will add commentary stating that Jesus was quoting scripture. But they don't do that with this, because there was no connection. It's all made up.
But yet they ignore the connections that have many supports.
Such as Ps 110:1 ASV "Jehovah saith unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, Until I make thine enemies thy footstool."
Jesus, Peter and Paul quoted that several times, acknowledging that Jesus was the Lord in that sentence, not Jehovah. Stephen said " I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God."
(Standing, sitting. Even spirit beings need to change positions every once in a while.)
I hold Jesus, Peter and Paul above some unknown pastor in their references.
They use such weak support such as the Jews and pharisees wanted to kill him from what he said. The pharisees wanted to kill him because he overturned the tables in the temple and was a threat to their lifestyle. They just needed to invent a means to have him killed by the Romans. But why would people accept the reasonings of non-believers?
They say that Thomas' statement 'My Lord and My God' proves that Jesus was God. Again, why take the statement of a doubter? Jesus' identity wasn't the topic there. They say because Jesus didn't refute that. Jesus didn't go around correcting everything and everyone. He mainly corrected the pharisees.
However they dismiss Matt 16:15,16 where Jesus directly asks Peter who he thought Jesus was and "Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”". I give that much more weight than the statement by Thomas.
So forget John 1:1 and the NWT. There are numerous translations other than the NWT that do not translate it as 'the Word was God'.