Solo, by Loewe.
JoinedPosts by EdenOne
What's Your Favorite Perfume or Cologne?
by minimus init is xmas time and perfumes and colognes are on the list.
what do you really love for a scent if you were being given a gift?.
Are you an "out of the closet" atheist?
by rebel8 ini'm atheist and not ashamed of it.
however, it is so politically incorrect, especially where i live.
i have a legitimate concern that being out of the closet too much will hurt my career or neighborly relations--i know for a fact it probably would.. i'm really cautious about who i tell.. how about you?
I'm at a stage of my life and thinking where I struggle to define what exactly is that I believe in.
If I was to coin a term, I would resort to latin: 'maius aliquid', meaning "something greater". It's not the empirical knowledge that God(s) exists or doesn't exist; [theism / atheism]; it's not faith in the existence of that divinity without needing verifiable evidence; it's not a statement that God, if indeed exists, it's unknowable. [agnosticism]; it's not indifference towards the issue of God's existence [apatheism] either. It's a rejection of the most tradicional, religious views of the deity, but also a rejection of pure atheism. It is, more than anything, a feeling. A feeling that something greater than us probably exists, although we can't be certain of what/who it is, if it necessitates our worship or service, or even if it cares for us or is able and willing to do something for us.
The perception that most human beings, unlike any other species on earth, feels the impulse, even the need, to be a part of something greater than themselves, that, if known, would impart our lives with profound meaning and purpose, is the foundation of that undefined belief in the maius aliquid. I think that someday I'll further elaborate on this notion, but for now, it's what best applies to me. Perhaps it is a form of modern spiritual deism. I wonder if others here feel the same way.
El, Baal and JHVH
by Doug Mason inone of the most important sources that we have for the most ancient stages of the religion of israel are some epic texts about the gods of canaan that were found in an archaeological excavation in a place called ras shamra (ancient ugarit) early in the twentieth century.
these epics reveal a very rich ancient canaanite mythology, especially in the elaborated stories of the gods el and baal and their rivals and consorts.
while, of course, the israelite branch of the canaanite group partly defined itself through the rejection of this mythology, much of the imagery and narrative allusions that we find in the works of the israelite prophets, the psalms, and other biblical poetic texts are best illuminated through comparison with these ancient texts.
So, are you thinking of coming back?
by kairos inthat's a crazy question.. they really mean, "do you regret your decesion to leave".. ---.
it's just an ice breaker to become nosy into one's personal life.. ---.
btw, last time i was asked this, no, everytime i'm asked this i reply with: "i'm never coming back".. they seem to hear that.. .
My reply would be: "Yes, I may consider coming back; but only when and if the Watchtower has given me convincing enough evidence that they're being driven by God and Jesus. Until then, I'm not partaking on it".
If you have become an atheist in the meantime, the Watchtower will never give convincing evidence of being directed by God because you don't believe God exists to start with.
It's best that you keep within your control what "evidence" you're willing to accept as "convincing". The less you disclose about what that "evidence" might be, the less you're opening to become bound to any pre-condition you may set up. For example: "If the organization abandons the absurd 1914 teaching, I might consider going back". The result is that, if they drop it, you'll be called upon your words to go back, despite you may still feel utterly uncomfortable with it. Best policy is to keep it to yourself. For example, claim that such "evidence" is between you and God only and nobody is entitled to be informed of it. God knows and nobody else is entitled to know. Then you keep your cards all to yourself and you stay in control.
If they argue: "You should come anyway and wait on Jehovah to change things if he sees fit, because at least you'll be spiritually protected" You might reply: "I have done that for a considerable time and I didn't see anything happening that can't be explained by imperfect human steering and decision-making, without any godly direction implicated. It was the current status quo that caused me to be spiritually damaged. So, until I see unequivocal evidence of a clear direction by God's spirit, I don't see why I should change my decision to stay away". Or: "Jehovah doesn't need me to go back in order that he enforces any changes, right? So, if and when those changes are made, I'll re-evaluate again my decision to stay away".
AAWA activists burst into a Kingdom Hall in Kent!
by raymond frantz inaawa activists burst into a kingdom hall in kent.
"Invading" a Kingdom Hall is utterly stupid. Would you accept that someone who disagrees with your diet would force their way into your house and try to contact the members of your family to tell them how terrible and dangerous your diet is? Wouldn't you call the police?
Way to go to feed into the persecution complex of the Witnesses and the "mentally diseased" apostates mindframe.
For crying out loud, what a bunch of morons!
Why is it wrong for Christians to celebrate Christmas?
by james_woods inthis was inspired by terry's thread.... it is something that raises many questions about the jw belief system.. .
for one thing - the bible certainly explains all the details of the christ birth.
it certainly does not tell people to avoid celebrating it with feasts, customs, etc.
You know, guys ... I really recommend that you read the "Dead Sea Scrolls". (I've read the 7th edition by Geza Vermes). These are the writings of an ultra-fundamentalist jewish sect of the 2nd century BC that lasted until the first century CE, the Essenes, that met its demise at Masada. Their holier-than-thou attitude towards the rest of the Jews and the jewish establishment, their exacerbated messianism, their strict demands of purity, their complete submission to YHWH, their vehement denunciation of all others not adhering to their worldview, and hopes that they would soon perish in a devine day of reckoning ... it all resonated soo familiar to me. They were truly the 'Jehovah's Witnesses' [Rutherford/Franz style] of two millenia ago.
The embarrassing history of the misnomer called JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES
by Terry inthe scriptures portray a person named stephen who is termed the first "martyr.
" the greek word means "witness.".
( greek : , martys , "witness"; stem -, martyr- ).
The Jews (more accurately, the supporters of the Temple priesthood) *did* execute James, the Just, brother of Jesus, in 62 CE. He was thrown down from the Temple pinnacle, survived, then he was beaten to death with a club by an angry mob.
E-Watchman: Sides with Tony III on the pants issue and more.......
by AFRIKANMAN instumbled upon bob the king's site and read some of his literary offerings.. .
he is strongly of the opinion that the tony toids remarks re: the tite pants is straight down the line:"" i have to say i agree with brother morris.
i dont think there is any question that gays dominate the fashion world, as well as the entertainment media.
Last time I checked, that is ... more than a year ago :P
E-Watchman: Sides with Tony III on the pants issue and more.......
by AFRIKANMAN instumbled upon bob the king's site and read some of his literary offerings.. .
he is strongly of the opinion that the tony toids remarks re: the tite pants is straight down the line:"" i have to say i agree with brother morris.
i dont think there is any question that gays dominate the fashion world, as well as the entertainment media.
Robert (E-Watchman) is infatuated with himself and his role as a prophet.
He was important in the initial stages of my awakening, but soon I realized that he, despite his obvious intelligence, is another deluded self-styled prophet who loves gathering a following after his crackpot bible theories about the Watchtower and "Jehovah's people".
No longer to use "house to house record" slips and "please follow up slips"!
by stuckinarut2 ina letter has just been read out indicating that effective immediately, witnesses are no longer to use the s-8 slip known as the "house to house" record slip, as well as the s-43 "please follow up" slip (usually used for foreign language people).. the letter stated that this is because of the changes in privacy laws etc that are becoming common in the world today.. i will try and get a copy of the full letter and post it asap.. .
In my country, those printed slips were discontinued more than 10 years ago, due to changes in privacy laws. Publishers should make their own brief non-printed notes on a regular plain sheet of paper or notebook.