JoinedTopics Started by U.2.K.
This Is my Last post!
by U.2.K. ini feel sorry for y'all, it's a shame millions are turning away from the bible> make note: you cant not believe in god the father & the messiah if you do not believe in the bible .
jesus: surely i come quickly> christ time period is different than man eyes... same as jehovah, but know that armageddon will come!
u2k: changing the world this dec, watch how i help the world, doing everything for jehovah god & the messiah, continue to watch 24/7 and survive till the end of age, and to stand before the son of man- luke 21:36 *crying* .
Just Posting, what's on my mind
by U.2.K. inwords from christ> "surely i come quickly" .
how that they told you there should be mockers in the .
"last time" who should walk after their own ungodly passions- jude .
The Messiah Will Return in our life time
by U.2.K. ini dont know about the rest of you guys, but i feel it, i can feel that that "peace & safety" sign is gonna get on a worldwide scale very soon(5-8 years).. i also remeber the first time that leader from afgan said peace & safety, i started to cry and for some reason, i felt very weird but happy and joyful at the same time.., plus right now, i feel funny, and i believe i am about to cry right now, maybe the holy spirit is around me or something, but i'm feeling the same way i felt when i had that dream about armageddon.... .
draw close to jehovah and his son christ jesus, and y'all will understand what i'm saying> (red words/king james version/christ words> """"" surely i come quickly"""""""" .
i believe christ will come in our life time, and im going ignore those who try to overthrow my faith and watch'em fall...
Why bother to email me?
by U.2.K. inpeople from this board> http://www.jehovahs-witness.com emails me about the last days, bible, etc, then when i reply back, they never reply back.. so either reply back or dont bother to email me.. .
.........> sig and you know it<........ .
westside, was the war cry
Evolution Theory about Rainbows is.....
by U.2.K. inonce again stupid.. i read this book today about how evolution works, blah, blah... once again evolution shows it's ignorance and it got started by foolish humans who knoweth nothing at all... .
they say rainbows only come out when and after it rains.. bs, cause just month i seen 2 rainbows together in the sky, in the afternoon, and it did not rain at all, infact it was'nt suppose to rain anyway... the facts: rainbows are from yahweh, but since christ is king right now, he brings out the rainbows, cause it's love and it's a sign of righteous.... so evolution can kiss my ass.. .
btw y"all i was praying to jehovah god & jesus christ today, that i hope one day before armageddon, can you bring out some rainbows at night.. that would be cool, can y'all picture that?
I had another Weird Dream
by U.2.K. inalright now this dream was krazy .
i was walking somewhere(cant remember) and this guy hit me over the head with this shotgun, i was knocked out and he tied me up, and i woke up in this car in the backseat, and it was a bomb in the car.
the bomb had 7-9 min left, and get this at first i was so scared, the dream seem so real, but for some reason i could'nt wake up or move.. .
Abaddon & Guest 77
by U.2.K. ini figure why bother to answer your questions, if you do not believe in everything the bible saids, so i leave you with this statement from the bible that jehovah has given his children: .
take ye heed, and watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.
/ the last days are here, seek righteous & keep thy truth, you all have heard, cause the end cometh soon- a-men'.
Whoever Sent me that email about paul?
by U.2.K. inlet me guess, you dont believe we living in the last days right?
alright, i wont you to read and "pay attention" to 2 peter chapter 3 verse 4> millions right now i bet'cha that question already cross their mind, and it shows that millions are losing their faith, well verse 9 is another reason that jehovah cares about us, he created us, so it's common sense that he cares.... .
and verse 10 is another vision of what's gonna happen and verse 13 is what mankind can look forward to after armageddon.
Jehovah-Witness members who post here
by U.2.K. infirst of all i'm confused about this http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum, either people who post here, is ignorant and dont wanna believe, or it's alot of ex-jw's.. cause i came here to discuss the bible(make note: i only read from the king james version and i'm not a witness) and everyone here is not agreeing with me on nothing..< at the witness-online.com when it was up, everybody was accepting that we are living in the last days... .
if you dont believe in the bible, why bother posting here, cause i wanna discuss the bible...
Last Days & Hard times!
by U.2.K. inif everybody goes to heaven, what"s the point of the resurrection?
i tell you first hand with much meekfulness, that this life is not the life that mankind is suppose to be living in, and the only reason why we have been living in this life so long is because "the messiah" coming will be long<very long>, it was not jehovah's plan for us to die< adam & eve is the cause> satan the devil is the main source> and the paradise is not lost, cause if the earthly paradise was lost, then there be no creator, then the sun would not rise over the wicked & righteous... .
only the 144,000 goes to heaven to be a witness over mankind judgement after armageddon, the earth is not a testing ground, jehovah god has given us the earth & the thrones of heaven are jehovah- psalms- 116-115 verse 15-16.... noah & moses was great servants of "yah-weh & they did not enter heaven< billions are dead in there grave- & the resurrection is the truth .