JoinedTopics Started by U.2.K.
This Is my Last post!
by U.2.K. ini feel sorry for y'all, it's a shame millions are turning away from the bible> make note: you cant not believe in god the father & the messiah if you do not believe in the bible .
jesus: surely i come quickly> christ time period is different than man eyes... same as jehovah, but know that armageddon will come!
u2k: changing the world this dec, watch how i help the world, doing everything for jehovah god & the messiah, continue to watch 24/7 and survive till the end of age, and to stand before the son of man- luke 21:36 *crying* .
Just Posting, what's on my mind
by U.2.K. inwords from christ> "surely i come quickly" .
how that they told you there should be mockers in the .
"last time" who should walk after their own ungodly passions- jude .
X-FILES Final Episode
by Yerusalyim inok, i just watched the final episode of the x-files!
who else is disappointed?
does this mean that dana and mulder are christians now?
The Messiah Will Return in our life time
by U.2.K. ini dont know about the rest of you guys, but i feel it, i can feel that that "peace & safety" sign is gonna get on a worldwide scale very soon(5-8 years).. i also remeber the first time that leader from afgan said peace & safety, i started to cry and for some reason, i felt very weird but happy and joyful at the same time.., plus right now, i feel funny, and i believe i am about to cry right now, maybe the holy spirit is around me or something, but i'm feeling the same way i felt when i had that dream about armageddon.... .
draw close to jehovah and his son christ jesus, and y'all will understand what i'm saying> (red words/king james version/christ words> """"" surely i come quickly"""""""" .
i believe christ will come in our life time, and im going ignore those who try to overthrow my faith and watch'em fall...
Why bother to email me?
by U.2.K. inpeople from this board> http://www.jehovahs-witness.com emails me about the last days, bible, etc, then when i reply back, they never reply back.. so either reply back or dont bother to email me.. .
.........> sig and you know it<........ .
westside, was the war cry
"The Trinity" - My Thoughts
by Olympiad inthe trinity my thoughts.
the thought behind the trinity is not so hard to understand or appreciate if you approach if from a philosophical viewpoint.
you must look beyond the obvious.
The 'Truths' The Watchtower Can't Teach
by metatron inthere are several major doctrines that the watchtower strictly.
holds but cannot publically acknowledge or openly teach.. here are a few:.
1) women are not allowed to have equal authority with men.. their status or rank is secondary and inferior.. 2) homosexuality is evil - they won't condemn it openly, especially.
JWs next false prophesy.....2004/2005...
by TheApostleAK ini brought this up a while back (last year some time...can't find the damn post!!
)...has the watchtower hinted at this yet?.
ps i think the reasoning of this is that its 70 years since the closing of the heavenly calling (1934/35).
Evolution Theory about Rainbows is.....
by U.2.K. inonce again stupid.. i read this book today about how evolution works, blah, blah... once again evolution shows it's ignorance and it got started by foolish humans who knoweth nothing at all... .
they say rainbows only come out when and after it rains.. bs, cause just month i seen 2 rainbows together in the sky, in the afternoon, and it did not rain at all, infact it was'nt suppose to rain anyway... the facts: rainbows are from yahweh, but since christ is king right now, he brings out the rainbows, cause it's love and it's a sign of righteous.... so evolution can kiss my ass.. .
btw y"all i was praying to jehovah god & jesus christ today, that i hope one day before armageddon, can you bring out some rainbows at night.. that would be cool, can y'all picture that?
I had another Weird Dream
by U.2.K. inalright now this dream was krazy .
i was walking somewhere(cant remember) and this guy hit me over the head with this shotgun, i was knocked out and he tied me up, and i woke up in this car in the backseat, and it was a bomb in the car.
the bomb had 7-9 min left, and get this at first i was so scared, the dream seem so real, but for some reason i could'nt wake up or move.. .