I wonder if the Italy branch is also going to end up getting the kind of downsizing that the Britain branch got?
Originally, there was talk of a whole printery and much more accommodation at the Chelmsford complex when it was first announced and the early architects' plans released. But by the time it was completed it had been much scaled down.
From what I can see, the most recent update regarding the Italy branch was in the video LaFrancia mentioned, made in 2022 (from 2:30 to 4:00) - URL broken up to prevent hotlinking:
JW dot org /en/library/videos/#en/mediaitems/VODPgmEvtAnnMtg/pub-jwb-100_11_VIDEO
There are three intriguing things I learned from it:
1) That originally the branch was intending to use volunteer Witnesses in the construction (as is usually done), but for some unstated reason they went with secular construction companies instead.
2) Although COVID inevitably interrupted the work, it is said that it only stopped construction completely for one month. So why has the project taken so long?
2) That the original finish date was to be the end of 2023 (in previous updates of 2019 and 2020), but now the latest finish date is said to be the end of 2024.
So why did they go with the additional costs of a secular construction company?
And why has the project taken so long, with at least a year being added to the completion date?