There are two types of problematic WT articles - ones where the information given is wrong (and possibly even dangerous), and ones where the information itself is ok, but alternatives or further options are left out.
This article seems to be an example of the latter. I don't see anything wrong with what is specifically stated about the abusive man's behaviour and what he should do to change (apart from equating watching porn with being physically or verbally abusive - the two are not necessarily connected, although I am aware that research and evidence from many criminal cases shows a chronic porn habit can lead to a distorted and unhealthy view of women).
However, there is much that is omitted, as several people have pointed out.
Bear in mind that this part of the article is aimed at the offending husbands, so it wouldn't necessarily mention separation to avoid his cruelty. However, it should realistically state that an offending husband must recognise his wife's right to separate from him, even if only temporarily while he addresses his behaviour, and to call in secular authorities if he has broken the laws of the land (by domestic assault, criminal damage, etc).
Interestingly, I looked to see if there was a following article addressed to wives - they usually print these things together - but there is none. So I wonder if they're finally recognising they have a serious problem with abusive husbands? If so, it's probably fed by the constant talk about accepting headship, along with the adulation poured on elders (especially those who 'pioneer') regardless of their actual character and personality traits. That would easily inflate the egos of men who already have an exaggerated sense of their own importance, and many experiences from people on here have highlighted there are a lot of those in the congregations out there!
Edited to add: Also, as several of you on here pointed out, there is no mention of what a husband should do if HE is the victim of abuse from his spouse. Again, this seems to be a glaring omission, given what even the Org says about "critical times" meaning the behaviour of many people today is selfish and/or aggressive. They should acknowledge that men can be victims too, Even if the odds are much smaller, the consequences are still just as devastating for the individuals concerned and the family around them,