It is the same with all things JW.
By mealy words they imply. This is builds into the mind set so that it does not have to be spoken, it is assumed, yet no one says it.
This starts with the bible study. Amongst the first things you learn is that God will destroy those that do not do as he says.
Then theocratic rules, associations, meetings etc., etc. By all these theo-speak (tm) words the accepted actions are soon made apparent and what may seem starnge at first is soon replaced by 'what comes naturally' They don't even know what they say or why, they just do at the appropriate time. An example of this:
My daughter decided she did not to be a JW (this is before we faded).
'Friends' comments were 'Oh well, you can have another daughter in the new system'
These are people who had known her from day one, she had been friends with thier daughters and stayed at my house and all of a sudden she was a non-person. She did not exist and was dead as far as they were concerned. This stunned me. It happened at a CA after talks on 'love!'. Their faces did not register anything, no 'oh dear what a shame' even. Just 'Bright' and 'The kingdom first' type faces and they were smiling as they condemned her at armageddon - you could almost hear them saying 'hope she grows me some nice roses' - alluding to her being manure, as I have heard other 'loving' brothers say of others.