JoinedTopics Started by soontobe
For all my Liberal/Progressive Friends
by Jomavrick ini am going to be unplugged while i gallivant around europe for a while, which means there will be one person short of holding up the conservative banner on this site.
so you can all pile on your leftist views of society, obama, health care, benghazi, irs, union thugery, socialism, redistribution of wealth, racism, sexism, gay marriage, right wing conspiracies, talk radio, fox news, wall street, the national debt, the educational system without my counterbalancing your neurotic views.
but i do love you non the less by brothers and sisters.
'Not Believing In The Devil Is The Main Cause Of Atheism' Says Priest Who Insists Pope Francis DID Perform An Exorcism
by cantleave inthese idiots still believe still believe in doing exorcisms........ .
the catholic churchs leading exorcist says he will ask pope francis to grant all priests the power to perform the ritual amid what he describes as a huge demand for the service.. father gabriele amorth, who claims to have carried out 160,000 exorcisms himself, says he was prompted to make the request after witnessing what he insists was the pope carrying one out in st peters square earlier this month.. francis was filmed placing his hands on the head of a boy sitting in a wheelchair after a pentecost mass.
full story linked below..
Silly TV Programs From The 1960s to the 1970s
by minimus inmcmillan & wife with rock hudson is what i just saw on tv.
watching rock hudson kiss his wife while smoking a cigarette is pretty funny.
and he solved a murder case as he lit up another cigarette at some wealthy person's party.....good stuff!.
Corporate influence in the public arena
by Hortensia in
i've always considered public broadcasting to be a good idea that doesn't really work out.
the people who run public broadcasting are elitist and self-righteous, and they take money from huge corporations.
If Noah had family worship night in the ark...what's your excuse!?!?!?!?!?!
by LostGeneration infunny picture in new public watchtower.
evidently there was a digital camera taking pictures about 3,500 years ago.
noah had family worship night in the ark, so all you slackers have no excuse!
Got a angry letter from our oldest son today we are very hurt from it.
by TotallyADD inwhen i got home today from work my wife showed me a 5 page letter from our oldest son.
he basically said he does not what anything to do with us because of all the wrong things we did as parents to him and his brother.
he blames us for not being there for him and we are toxic parents.
Do David Splanes offensive and pompous orations have a silver lining?
by ranmac inim starting to think so.. i was still somewhat active in meeting and assembly attendance when i first started doubting the jw life.
when i first heard splane give a discourse, it was a real wake up call as to what kind of people are controling this organization.
the next time i heard him speak he was even worse.. as ive seen on this forum, many people have had the same experience.. in slimboyfats thread,, he noted this gem from splane: if traumatic things have happened in your past then just don't think about it, that's the best you can do until the new system.. this is one of the most irresponsible and rage inducing comments i have ever heard.
I don't get it ... 80% of people in Oklahoma DON'T have a Tornado Shelter. Are they nuts ????
by RubaDub ini really don't understand.
how can any homeowner in his right mind, not have a tornado shelter ???
i understand that some people live in apartments and condos, but someone with any size yard (even a driveway) could have a shelter.. to me it's a no-brainer.
Mars One Expedition
by Jomavrick inyou have probably heard that there is a mars expedition that is being planned in 2023 where a permanent human settlement will be established.
people are applying for the opportunity at
think about it, this might be the one chance we have to leave all the door knocker jw's behind,,,,,,.