Jose was raised as a JW, he was on a fast track to being a stellar publisher in the congregation. He was giving number five talks at a very early age and was better than some of the older brothers. His heart was in the right place and the brothers were liberal with their accolades for his heart love for Jehovah. As fate would have it, Jose fell in love with the prettiest teenage girl in the congregating and the daughter of the presiding overseer.
The troubles and Jose’s destiny were now set in stone. The girl’s father disapproved of Jose for his daughter. He now became the brunt of discrimination on the part of the elders at the instigation of the girl’s father. He no longer got as many talks, or parts on the service meeting. His only crime was to fall in love with this pretty elder’s daughter. They both ached to fully express their adolescent love towards each other, but a father’s jealousy and his abuse of power would condemn Jose to a life of crime.
He hated her family and harbored much anger in his heart. This in time led him to join a neighborhood gang and things just escaladed down from there. His father a lowly publisher begged the elders to try and rescue Jose from this path he was put on. His request fell on deaf ears. In less than two years Jose could not be recognized from the clean cut kid who spoke of fine spiritual truths. He had grown up considerably in size and in street smarts. His arms were full of tattoos and now he was a petty drug dealer.
I came across Jose when he was put into a group of adult public offenders that I facilitated, who were on probation. As I spoke about my JW past and how past programming affects our beliefs and decisions we make as adults he seemed to play close attention and was very interactive about his criminal past. After the first group meeting he came up to me privately and shared his experience about growing up as a JW. I felt a deep sense of purpose that my past experience has not been in vain.
One day I got a call from Jose he was desperate to come see me for some personal problem. He came in with his wife and small child very anxious. He related to me that he wanted to separate from his wife to just be alone from her constant nagging. Of course I knew there was more to the story and as I probed privately, he confessed he did not love his wife but was in love with a woman at work. He was so starved for the love he had from his childhood sweetheart that if he found any semblance of it with any woman, he abandoned reason and threw common sense and caution to the wind.
They agreed to separate and she nosed dived into a state of depression. All her insecurities from her childhood were now in full bloom. I agreed to do some sessions pro bono with both, since Jose was living from paycheck to paycheck working as a Denny’s short order cook. He improved significantly and understood how his anger had driven him to the path he had been. I told him his experience was quite common and showed him how he was a victim of circumstances. He agreed to educate himself and read Crisis of Conscience. In time his love for the woman at work wore thin and he missed his child and wife so he returned back home.
I often wonder what became of Jose, having traveled a similar path in life I know the feelings of emptiness and the desperate anxiety to calm a troubled heart and soul. Wherever you are Jose, I send you my best wishes, the woman you search for is also searching for you. In order for you to manifest her you will need to slay your inner demons and rekindle that love you once had. It may take many years but the search and wait is worth any hardships you may encounter. Never give your heart to a second rate romance. You must have that youthful passion to use as a beacon of light in your darkest hours when you feel like giving up.
“All men must die, few men ever really live.” Braveheart
Victor Escalante