"But I don't wanna be a pirate!"
JoinedPosts by undercover
Argh Mateys! Intl Talk Like A Pirate Day
by Valis in.
district overbeer of the" "pirate treasure" class
Johnny Cash
by BluesBrother ini was saddened to hear the news of the death of johnny cash, in his early 70's.
i was never a real fan of country music, but johnny was different , the only artist of the genre that i rated.
so long ,johnny cash.
Good story about that song. Kristofferson wrote it and Cash was going to sing it on his(I think) TV show. The producers wanted him to change the line
On a Sunday morning sidewalk,
I'm wishing, Lord, that I was stoned.to something else. When Cash sang the song and got to that line, he looked up at Kristofferson and sang the song the way it was written instead of bowing to the pressure of the producers.
Take that Jim Morrison.
The Invisible 'Ones'
by uriah ini had an insight the other day, you know the type of thing - you walk past something everyday and suddenly you become aware of it.. well, many on this board probably have come to the same conclusion so if i am repeating it - sorry.
what is it i hear you shout.
ok.. in my experience, i hardly saw any jw's except at meetings or meetings for fm.
I know what you're saying. I remember when I first started fading. I had doubts but was still struggling over whether I was right or wrong. On the rare occasion that I went to a meeting, I was miserable. I felt it and I'm sure I looked it. I avoided talking to people so as not to be "encouraged" by them. I avoided the elders, walking opposite of where they were going. But then one day it hit me. These people at the hall aren't happy. They're miserable. The world is gonna end any day now and they're not sure if they'll survive. I, on the other hand, have realized that the world is not ending and no longer have that hanging over me. The relief, the weight, the pressure that was removed when I came to my senses made me a happier person. Since then, when I go to the very rare meeting, I'm the happy one out of the crowd. I actually go up to people and iniate conversations and when someone trys to "encourage" me, it usually backfires because they are expecting me to be sullen, depressed and embarrassed. It confuses them when they see that I'm relaxed, happy and carefree. It actually blows a circuit in their WT circuit board brain.
Baptism pre-new questions - signed anything?
by Phantom Stranger ini was baptised around 1978 - don't remember the date anymore.
this was before the "organization-centered" baptism questions.
did i sign anything in order to get baptized?
Baptized in 76-77(can't really remember). Nothing to sign until standing in line coming out of the dressing room on the way to the pool. Brother stationed there asked if we were ever baptized before, wrote down our answer, then we signed what looked kind of like a sign up sheet. I figured it was just so they could keep proper count, but who knows what they did with it.
There are three kinds of people.
by qwerty inhello everyone, i have not posted for what seems like ages.
i have just start in mlm.
it's a bit like getting involved with jw's again but this time i am starting to earn money!
Four kinds of people....
I'm one of the fourth kind...one who doesn't give a crap about motivational speakers and their money-making schemes.
Speaking of the latest magazines...
by Odrade indid anyone see the recent questions from readers that cautions against about using gift registries for you wedding?
no joke.
sept 1, 2003.whether a couple who are getting married wish to use a gift registry is a matter for personal decision.
Could someone scan the whole article and post it? I'd love to read the whole thing. I don't want to jump to conclusions based on one sentence without getting the context of the article.
In Your Opinion: Who Was The Greatest Person That Ever Lived?
by minimus inmy answer: jesus christ.....yours??
Obviously one would want to say Jesus, but, can you prove he really existed?
Jesus Christ, Moses, Abraham, King Arthur, Merlin the Wizard. All great men, but are they real? Or maybe a composite of men? Or just legend? Most believe Arthur to be legend and Jesus real. But outside of the Bible there's no more proof for Jesus' existance than there is Arthur's.
I have no opinion on who's greatest because out of all people that have greatness thrust upon them, they too have their faults and weaknesses.
by josephus ini was my nephews birthday party tonight.
my sister (who i didnt speak to for 15 years because she was dffd was the hostess).. all was well, and we got to talking about growing up as a kid in the truth.
my mum was there and i admoitted to thinking from as early as i could remember till i was about 20 the "the end" was coming any minute.
That's it! That's the magazine cover I remember. Thanks for the scan.
Edited to wonder aloud: I wonder how many of those people on the cover are still alive?
My WT library increaseth
by refiners fire inbrethren.
one of the apostates here in melbourne has grown weary of his dub/cult literature and has given me his full set of russell wts, 1879 thru 1916 reprints in very fine condition.
also his complete collection of rutherford books such as government, harp, enemies etc.
Typical Ebay prices would probably range from $1200 - $2000 U.S.
RF rethinks his position and decides that a nice thank you card is in order.
by josephus ini was my nephews birthday party tonight.
my sister (who i didnt speak to for 15 years because she was dffd was the hostess).. all was well, and we got to talking about growing up as a kid in the truth.
my mum was there and i admoitted to thinking from as early as i could remember till i was about 20 the "the end" was coming any minute.
I was a kid in the 70s. I remember being upset that the system wouldn't go long enough for me to get my driver's license and own a cool car. Childish, yes. But no more so than believing that world was going to end.
After 1975 came and went and my parents stayed steadfast in their faith(darn it all), the emphasis on Armageddon coming anytime was still heavy. The emphasis shifted on the generation of 1914 not dying off before the end. I remember either an Awake or WT with the cover of a bunch of older people and the title saying something like, "1914, the generation that will not die". Well, I got news for ya, that generation is gone. There may be a few of em still hanging on but for all intense purposes, the generation of 1914 has died off.