After reading of Shotgun's experience with the elders and the argument about the events of the night of the last supper, I did some research about the events surrounding Jesus' last couple of days.
In true WTS fashion, the GB has taken an event, despite all the controversy surrounding it, and has decreed in blanket statements, "facts" of Jesus last meal and exactly what happened, all without any question that it didn't happen any other way. To read a Watchtower, it's quite simple what happened. Jesus told the disciples to prepare for Passover, they ate Passover, Jesus exposed Judas, Judas left and Jesus instituted the Memorial. When you read the Bible, it's not that clear. In fact there are inconsistencies and outright contradictions. When you research different resources, including the Catholic Encyclopedia, the Jewish Encyclopedia, etc. controversies and differences in opinions and beliefs surface about how the Passover was celebrated and how the Festival of Unleavened Bread was viewed. Controversies abound about whether Judas was present at the instituting of the Memorial. Controversies exist on whether Jesus died on Nisan 14th or Nisan 15th. There are some who think that Jesus died on a Thursday instead of a Friday. All of these theoriests use the Bible and Jewish history to support their claim.
The WTS says it happens a certain way and all the little JWsheep fall in line and accept it. I was one of them. I never questioned it. It happened the way they said. I didn't know about the idea that the Jews of that time celebrated the Passover or Pashal on two different nights depending on what region they were from. I didn't know how the Fesitval of Unleavened Bread worked. I never paid any attention that John said Judas left immediately after the morsel was handed to him by Jesus, thus the WTS says he wasn't present at the new memorial when Luke says that AFTER the instituting of the memorial Jesus said his betrayer was at the table with him.
The events of Jesus' death and last few days is much more complicated than I had ever imagined. After research, I actually have more questions than before. But what is apparent is that the WTS doesn't know anymore than anyone else. They picked a scenerio that works with their beliefs and since they have "God's Spirit" it had to have happened that way. I, by not accepting their position as God's spokesmen, question their scenerio, especially when it cannot be verified strictly by the scriptures.
JWs cannot question these inconsistencies. They have to go to the memorial and accept the sequence of events just as it is handed to them, despite that there are no known facts surrounding the events they are celebrating.