What bothered my conscience? For me the question could be, "whtt bothered my conscience because certain things didn't bother my conscience?" Does that make sense?
I watched R-rated movies. No conscience bothering there. But then there would be a talk or assembly part about not watching them. Then I was bothered because I didn't seem to see the problem.
I liked to drink. Never to absolute drunkeness but sometimes too much. Didn't bother my conscience until the part on drinking too much. Again it bothered me that it didn't bother me.
I liked porn and pics of hot babes, which usually led to masturbation. Same deal. Didn't feel remorse or conscience stricken. Then there would be the part about masturbating being wrong. Then I would question myself as to why I didn't feel bad about doing it.
Looking back on it, I think that maybe the WTS didn't have a complete hold on my mind as they did others or as they wished they had on all their followers. I don't think that I ever was a "spiritual" person, despite being raised a witness. I think some people need spirituality in their lives more than others and they seek that while others have a way of coping with life as it is, without wondering if there is something better or greater. Now that I am free of the control of any religion, I feel that I don't need religion or God to be happy. I now doubt the validity of the Bible as God's word. I doubt the existance of a God, or a god as the churches like to preach about.
I am free but imprisoned at the same time. Free from the control of a oppressive religion but not free from the ramifications for leaving that way of life. I am looked down on and shunned by some. I am hounded by elders. Some of my family question my sanity. That bothers me more than any "sin" that I committed as a JW.