Welcome LV, (like the name)
How long has your husband been out of JWs? There are different levels of recovery from that particular belief system. He may still be in the anger mode and unfortunately you are the receipient of some of that. The anger mode lasts longer for some than others and sometimes it never really goes away. I'm not an expert or anything, but I somehow seemed to be able to relate to how you described him. I went through an anger phase and it still pops up from time to time. Mine has passed for the most part and I have learned to appreciate things that I missed out on before. It's not other peoples fault (that weren't connected to the religion) that I missed out, why should I blame them? I have learned to get out and enjoy what life has left to offer. To sulk or pout about what you can't change does not help. If the anger lasts too long or is harming your marriage it may be time for professional help.
Just my .02
Good luck and again welcome.