Hey, what a great Idea! I would love to participate!
Let me know!
i know..........muffle the groans.
christmas is 3 months away, but i wanted to pass something by you guys and get some input.
i belonged to another forum board awhile back and we did a secret gift swap for the holidays.
Hey, what a great Idea! I would love to participate!
Let me know!
those of you who have close witness family members -- how hard has it been not to just throw up your hands and just return to the society, just for appearance's sake?
my parents, whom i love very much, are witnesses, and it's very difficult for me to go day to day knowing that i'm completely letting them down.
i no longer believe anything the society says, but oh how tempting it would be to just go back and fake my way through, knowing that i could give my parents peace.
The whole disfellowshipping thing can be quite ridiculous. Unfortunately, the people who shun really believe that they are
pleasing God, but if they only knew. Here is an example of the complete hold the Society has on it's members: I know of a
baptized JW who has not attended meetings or had any active part with JWs in at least 12 years. But, this guy has been involved
in total JW qualified wrongdoing. He has a major gambling problem, has lived with several women, attended other churches,
regularly views porn, etc. However, whenever he happens to be in the area and other JWs see him, they always say hello and
visit with him. Now, my question is, are JWs shunning others because they are supposed to hate these activities that are
considered loose conduct, fornication etc. and are showing loyalty to God for "righteous standards" or are they shunning
because the Society says they are to be shunned? If a JW truly believes what he has been taught about morals, etc. then
would'nt he be moved to shun that person anyway if the bible says not to even eat with such a person? Why should
any "good JW" even speak to this guy I know when he is clearly engaged in DFing offenses? Because the society has'nt
given the word? Come on!
Dont get me wrong, I am not even advocating shunning whatsoever. I am just making the point of how controlled JWs really are.
Why wait for the society to tell you who to speak to and who not to?? It is so stupid and hypocritcal even by their OWN standards!
Good food for thought.
Thanks! Vita
hello friends!
my husband and i have this friend we have known for probably 17 years or more.
he was an elder for many years but stepped down .
Thank you for all your comments! It is so true that the society is losing all their good people, the honest hearted ones. The
Society has truly and stupidly lost a good man. We are still so suprised by his decision, as he was the last person I would
have ever imagined would defect. But it really drove home the fact that you never know what is really going through the minds
of some of these JWs, honest and otherwise.
He is even questioning WT doctrine now, wondering about the bible, Adam and Eve, etc. He says he has lost his sense of
spirituality, at least for now. I told him that it will get better and that he needs to find a niche in life, something just for him.
He is saddened by the fact that he is 45 and has no career, no education. He has washed windows and shoes horses most
of his life. He said that he feels as if so much of his life is gone, But I encouraged him to go to school, maybe look into a new
beginning. We just tried to be as encouraging a possible, letting him know that there is always hope.
On this difficult journey, he is finding out who is friends really are. He mistakenly tried to confide in certain people who only
turned around and told others that he is an apostate. He tried to find comfort in the CO, only to have him tell him he is
"disturbed man". His story is very long, but a disturbing one, unveiling the harsh realities of life on the "inside". He even
served at bethel in the late 70s and knew Ray Franz, and was there when the big shake-up went down. Also said he knew
Bro. Greenlees and had heard that he left the Org. as well.
Anyway, I will tell him about this forum, maybe we can get him to share his story.
It is always nice to know you are not alone.
Thanks for all of your support and I look forward to more comments!
Love, Vita
hello friends!
my husband and i have this friend we have known for probably 17 years or more.
he was an elder for many years but stepped down .
Hello friends!
My husband and I have this friend we have known for probably 17 years or more. He was an Elder for many years but stepped down
about a year ago. He was always there for us when we had a problem, always kind, a true "hiding place from the wind". Well, we
of course have not attended a meeting in over a year and we had not seen this friend in some time, several months anyway. He had
moved to another congregation just south of here due to problems he had with our body of Elders locally, which we were very
suprised when we heard he had switched congs.
He came by last night and stayed for probably 4 or 5 hours and proceeded to tell us that he no longer wishes to be a JW. Said
he could never go back to an organization that provides no means of solving problems for their flock. He said for the all the years he
had served as an elder many issues had taunted him underneath, but never could bring himself to "rock the boat". He compared the
feeling he has now to first realizing that there is no Santa Claus; you can never go back.
He said that there is such a gross lack of support from the Society on so many matters, even from COs, to DOs. Said it is
truly appalling in all reality.
He also stated that right here in Southern Oregon, he knows of 2 Elders who were accused of Child molestation some time back,
and the accusers were basically told that they were liars. To this day he said that these men are still serving as Elders with no
further investigation done to date.
It is really something that this friend of ours is in our position now. I never imagined that he would ever leave. He had such an
incredible faith in the Org. and in the bible. I remember him being on a committe meeting of mine years ago and he was the only
one that was kind and considerate towards me. He was and continues to be a true friend.
He is now facing losing his family, and friends that he has made over the course of some 30+ years. He figures that
the Elders will eventually catch up with him and deal with him "accordingly". He has a son who is serving a bethel right now
and he is facing having to tell him how he really feels.
But, he knows what is probably ahead for him. He said that he has to be true to himself and the people around him. He also
stated he could never preach door to door ever again as how could he encourage people to join such an organization??
Well, I know you all don't know this person at all, but I just felt the need to write about it. I am amazed now that we have
someone so close to us doing what we are now. I never thought it would happen, I figured we would be the only local outcasts.
Just to give you an example of the bursting Christian love in our local cong., one of the local elders recently stated to this friend that
the congreation has finally eliminated all the "dead weight".
Nice attitude.
Thanks so much for reading.
Love, Vita
i have come into possession of a actual audio recording of a recent gb meeting in which they are discussing the scandals they are having to deal with.... download audio of gb meeting
"You will respect my authority"!
before my dad went into surgery he asked that i contact the people on this board and let them know how much it ment to him much it ment to him over the past month or so to be able to talk with all of you.. this is one of the few things in his life he could still enjoy.dad wanted to especially thank craig (ona ) for accepting him and apologies for anything he said that might have offended you.. my father was in so much pain over the past seven years ,god must have thought it was time,dad passed a few houres after surgery.. dad asked not to have a service and will be cremated than placed in an urn ( as he said "so he can keep an eye on mom" ) we all loved him deeply and he will be missed.
i will leave the company email should anyone want to,i will print them out for mom and the family to read.. again thanks to all, our love is with each and every one of you.. matthew mc cune [email protected]
I am so sorry to hear about your father. I wish you and your family the best.
Love Vita
if so please mail me off-line.
best regards - hsedited by - hillary_step on 11 september 2002 23:31:19.
Hi! I am just North of Grants Pass. Where are you?
Nice to meet you!
Thanks! Vita
past history of wt instructions regarding the disfellowshipped
and they might sometimes have the grandchildren visit them.
wt 9/15/1981, p. 29. jehovahs witnesses should hate ex-jws and those who oppose gods organization.
Great post!
i have just added an audio tape on mental illness among jehovah's witnesses by jerry bergman.
it is interesting to hear the reasons why jehovah's witnesses have a much higher rate of mental illness than the normal population.
Because they drive you nuckin' futs!
How did you find this?? Incredible!
Good Job!