Dubs don't lift a finger to actually HELP anyone...even their fellow dubs.
That part of their emotional brain has been wired shut by the bOrg.
Dubs don't lift a finger to actually HELP anyone...even their fellow dubs.
That part of their emotional brain has been wired shut by the bOrg.
i was unable to find any details on this on jwfacts, anyone have details on the wt not being a religion so they could instead own property?.
Just Wow.
It would be amazing to see a bulleted list of the hypocritical manipulations the wts has pulled over the decades. This is a doozy, but Malawi was probably the worst? Building and maintaining Beth Sarim (the "house of princes") and Beth Shan have to be included. I'm sure there are many, many others which are known to some on this board and it would be something to see...kind of a cheat sheet for planting wtf seeds.
2014 snap conference report.
posted on august 20, 2014 by barbara.
from august 1 3, kerry louderback wood* and i attended the 2014 annual snap** conference, which was also its twenty-fifth anniversary celebration, in chicago, illinois.. .
Thank you, Barbara and Kerry, for all your hard work to protect our kids and expose the massive coverups of sexual abuse within jehovah's witnesses.
my still-in wife has asked we prepare a "go-bag" with all the stuff we need in case of a natural disaster....we live in a country where there is none!.
but when i asked where this all came from she mentioned hurricanes etc but again we live in an area where they can never be things like this.. thus i suspect this is a society based instruction...can anyone enlighten me?.
are the society advising dubs to be doom preppers???
Living in Florida, we've always prepared go-bags for hurricane season. So we keep important papers sealed in ziplock freezer bags and stock up on some foods and a asceptic beverages especially in summer. The most important thing after your papers, credit cards and cash? Baby wipes and a pack of new undies from Walmart. Just sayin...
while i'm glad i found this site, it has also crumbled to bits everything i've believed in my whole life.
i feel like the certainty, magic and wonder has gone out of my life.
this has left a huge hole in my soul.
Mindless robots have already been created by the wts.
Stop putting silly labels on people!
well, that seems to be the latest hot thing amoung witnesses.
everybody buys a tablet.
even the poor families that eat carb heavy meals are gettin' em.. maybe they can't afford the latest apple product like the maxi/mini pad or whatever they're calling it these days so a trip to ebay or overstock.com fills the bill.. use it instead of a songbook.
Get your new tablet emblazoned with the offical JW.ORG logo! As the only authorized distributer for the newly-imported designed Moses™ we are offering it today at the low, low introductory price of ONLY $1914!
Other tablets may be available for much less but none have our official JW.LOGO! And as ours has been made imported by members of the gb, it has been blessed by holy spirit, not the spirit of the world™.
Buy yours TODAY ONLY and you'll receive one Official JW.ORG logo pin suitable for not much of anything men's brothers'™ lapels and kids' bookbags. Sisters™, your version is coming soooooon™.
is being followed daily at www.swrnn.com for those interested.. this afternoons coverage said he was an elder at the time of the murder.. i think when the story first came out no one was sure if he was or not..
Wow. Just read both abcnews stories. I wish I was more surprised but if you think about it, this guy was trained by the bOrg to be emotionless and calculating. And he obviously played the jw-system very well. Typical of many an elder in america: tell the r&f to give more money and spend more time stumping for the bOrg. Hey, don't look at my luxury home and vehicles and my 35-foot boat! Pay attention to your own sinful actions do what you're told.
Thank goodness the children have close family...but very sad that they're growing up as bOrgians.
so, i had an unexpected encounter with a jw today.
she was the caregiver who came to work to relieve me and she pulled out a jw.org tract and i told her i knew all about it because my family were part of it and i see it everywhere on their fb.
i, without thinking about the consequences, told her that i used to be one and now go to a baptist church.
Isn't it bizarre...if jdbubs think you are a clean slate (worldly-person-maybe-we-can-convert-them!) they are Polite and Smiling and willing to talk (but-we-just-ignore-whatever-you-say-as-we're-so-busy-trying-to-remember-what-we're-supposed-to-teach-you-as-you-are-pagan).
If they know or even suspect that you have any knowledge of their teachings, they are Horrified (omg-must-be-an-apostate-yes-they-are-mentally-diseased-quick-run-or-mock-them-and-haha-you're-gonna-die-so-I-can-have-your-fancy-house) that you have not jumped in the sinking jdub ship.
Fake love to you in the first case, fake love to the gb/god-j/jesus/or-whoever's-in-charge-now in the second. The poor dears don't know WHO they are anymore and are just following orders.
The hardest part is remembering how WE escaped and then finding ways to plant those seeds in the closed-off brains.
So very sad to see so many wasted lives.
hi guys, i don't really post on here much anymore, having been on here since 2001. this site helped me out in the early days and has been a great support system for all of my past jw issues.
like many others i was discouraged from an education so that i could window clean and pioneer in my youth during the 80's.
having spent many years post my jw exit in alcoholism and periods of drugs, i decided to clean myself up 7 years ago by attending aa, i was still a window cleaner ... at the time i wrote extensively on here about my issues.
"las obligaciones que este nuevo regimen fiscal nos pide: llevar de manera electronica un registro de todas sus operaciones de ingresos y egresos; tener documentacion comprobatoria de cada operacion, acto o actividad; enviar informe contable mensual a traves de la pagina del sat; expedir comprobante fiscal digital por internet (cfdi).".
roughly traslated: the requirements of the new fiscal system require: to record electronically a ledge of all income and expenses; to record and document all operations, acts or activities, to send a registed monthly report through sat's (kind of like the irs in the us) website, submit comprobante fiscal digidtal por internet (cfdi) (sort of tax form) .
Sir, please don't suggest such a thing...the Caymans would be totally ruined then!