When I surrendered my thinking to the borg, all the "good" witnesses drove old cars, wore clothes from Goodwill (and bragged about it), and lived in cheap housing. Quick build assignments were a sign of honor and everyone attended spring cleaning at the hall.
Things shifted when the elders started buying nice houses, new cars, vacation timeshares and retirement plans. They were also notably absent from preaching on holidays and one would "lead" the service group after the Sunday meeting by asking "does everyone have plans? Okay, let's pray (my group is waiting for me at the restaurant)."
I should have paid more attention to their actions instead of their words. I thought they were hypocrites, but now I realize they were just acting like the higher-ups in any for-profit corporation.
I cringe now remembering that I actually used the atm's at the assembly hall to fund the lifestyles of the wt men playing the big con on us.