Do you like to go on trips? Well, most of us do don't we? This evening we're going to take an imaginary train ride. And we are going to go on a very breathtaking train ride, in fact we are going to go through some of the highest mountains that exist. And one thing about this train ride, is that this is a trip that you’ve taken many times before. And you especially enjoy the part where the train goes over one of the highest passes because the panoramic view is just breathtaking. But your favorite part of the trip is when the train goes over what is called Mile High Trestle Bridge. Now having been on this trip before you notice something.Normally when the train approaches the Mile High Trestle Bridge it slows to just a crawl.
But for some reason this time the train is actually speeding up and you are a little bit concerned and just about that time the conductor comes walking through and you ask him "Is there something wrong?" And he says, "Well, yes as a matter of fact there is. You see the brakes have gone completely out on the train and in addition to that the engineer has gone completely mad. (Bro. Moore Said this in a very calm voice which made it even more funny) He has stuck the throttle on full speed ahead and he has locked himself in the engineers compartment." And you are thinking: What could be worse than that? And then he says, "And besides that, there is a rail out on the bridge." But he adds, "Don't worry, because there is plenty of free food and drink in the club car for all."(lots of laughter) Now if you can imagine the irony of that scene, you can begin to imagine this world as it is under the god of chaos, Satan the Devil.
Yes Satan's system of things is like a train that is out of control and it is running for disaster. And as in our illustration Satan does everything that he possibly can to try to divert our attention away from how bad things really are in the world. Now one thing that Satan does to do is this, something that's called gradualism. Have you ever heard that word before? Gradualism. What is gradualism? It means that Satan gradually makes things that are very bad seem as if they aren't bad at all anymore, things that were really disgusting, things that people considered to be obscene twenty years ago, today are considered alright by most people that are living on the earth. To illustrate how gradualism works; there was a secretary that wanted to play a little trick on her boss. Now her boss had a big fancy desk and one of these big fancy chairs for the desk. It was ergonomically prepared so that you could turn the chair. If you turned it to the left it would lower it so that you could be just at the right height to the desk or you could turn it to the right and you could raise it up some. And as a trick she would come into work before the boss got there every day and she would turn that chair one turn down. Now by the end of the month the boss was sitting at the desk like this,(with his knees up to his chest) and he didn't really realize what had happened because it had happened so gradually. Well that's what gradualism does.
this is very interesting. i think amyone who has been hypotized to stop smoking or recieved suggestion for somthing else might reconise the opening. it is designed to put one in a relaxed state, buy saying "This evening we're going to take an imaginary train ride." the listener is encouraged to use his/her imagination. to take this ride of the inagination is to enter a comfortable state. open to suggestion. the visual and emotional instruction are typical of this approach.
this is a form of hyponotic suggestion.
i would like to encourage everyone to look into this kind of suggestion. understanding what is happening to us in these situations can nullify the intended efficts.