Don't let the Salvation Army recruiting technique fool you, both groups were doing the same thing in there specialized ways.
The Great and Powerful Oz
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
yesterday i was in london city centre.. there were 14 salvation army people helping the homeless and street drifters get a meal and check on their health.
the sa were concerned for these people, blue with cold (it was -5 yesterday), yet doing there best to help those who were defenseless and at risk.
at the same time were 3 jw's at the other end of shaftsbury ave selling mags.. which was the true christians, those who helped ones who could not return the gift - or the preachers?.
Don't let the Salvation Army recruiting technique fool you, both groups were doing the same thing in there specialized ways.
The Great and Powerful Oz
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
got this in my mail today; i thought it was fascinating.
it's long but well worth reading.
cool article mommie thanks. Jim Dee, Esmeralda and Billygoat you make good points "the forgiveness must be in the victims own time and way"
harboring that kind of anger and resentment is like Drinking poison yourself in hopes that another will die.
The Great and Powerful Oz
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
there, do i sound pathetically in search of attention?
no, actually i have been lax in posting the last 10 days or so due to attending the united states army instructor training course.
what up teach? i've been looking for your name in the poster column, welcom back. i hope the family is well and happy at this special time of advent.i wish you a merry and a happy.
The Great and Powerful Oz
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
i have been df'd twice, this time for over 6 months.
an elder called me the other day and wanted to know if i'm renting my house or buying it.
also, he wanted to know who keeps my children while i work.
I hope all is well with you. I find myself thinking about you and yours. "how is he? how are his kids? Have the elders and his family taken action against him? are they playing the game to get him to give up his kids to the hall without a fight?" well I just wanted to let you know that people care. I'll keep praying for you. if you need someone to talk to mail me. You can look at all my old posts to see where I'm coming from. I have no love for the WT, but for the people used by it, I have nothing else. Good luck.
The Great and Powerful Oz
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
unique hk article on jws, plus posted comments:.
is this disturbing to anyone else? i wonder how far along they are in transition. here it is from Oct.
The Great and Powerful Oz
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
why does god permit suffering?.
excellent site here:
I don't know.......does that make God a stupid ass hole or me?
Q. what can man do that God can't?
A. change
The Great and Powerful Oz
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
i have a question.
i have asked it in a private discussion with a fundamentalist who cowardly ignored the whole premise of the thought and am hoping there is someone here who can address it.. i am aware of the fact that abortion is one hot button topic.
it is not my intention to make this a debate about abortion.
Hi this is an interesting thread I used to be pro-choice /Anti-death penalty then doing research and giving thought to the argument I had to admit to my self that all my arguments for abortion also supported infanticide, that was the end for me.
i think the bible used language that makes it clear to see the army's of Israel were KILLING people. not "aborting unwonted hunks of flesh"
In the comparisons I read, "God performed the equivalent of abortion on a large scale."
This I think is a true statement and a lot of posters seem to agree but to me the point is they are the same!! Abortion is large scale killing. the bible tells it like it is, abortionists do not.
now i think doing gods will is good and going against it is evil, that is just me believe what you want. but believe they are the same large scale killings. if killing is OK with you then it is OK. the question to me is when does a person receive human rights under the law. at conception or some arbitrary time during pregnancy or at birth or when they get an SS card or when they become fully formed human beings? (which is a substantial time AFTER birth)
The Great and Powerful Oz
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
this is the instant message conversation i had with my sister in law on friday.
it makes me so sad because i think that she in her heart recognizes the truth of what i am saying, but then the jw brainswashing takes over and she just stops thinking.. sorry it's so long!!.
c: you are very special to me.. c: i love you deeply.
hi puppylove,
i've been there i know it herts. can't you just imagin them saying
"i love big brother. i love big brother. i love............"
first off, let me say that i am not a believer of the bible and am totally against abortion.
that being said, i'll get to the point of this post.. this is something that has bothered me even when i was a jw.
kids are judged by the holiness of their parents.
The child would then be judged by their parent, right? Well both of them would be guilty of murder then.
i'v never heard that said befor. could you explain your reasoning for this belief? is it a WT teaching?
i have a question.
i have asked it in a private discussion with a fundamentalist who cowardly ignored the whole premise of the thought and am hoping there is someone here who can address it.. i am aware of the fact that abortion is one hot button topic.
it is not my intention to make this a debate about abortion.
hi Julie,
to my mind, when the jews killed off all the people of an area it was for the same reason that thay stayed in the desert for 40 years. that was to break the people of Isreal form there habit of going back to the worship of forein gods. with a nation destroyed a culture is destroyed and the knowledge of there gods with them. in this way isreal could never be absorbed into another culture and the people would have no other god in there kingdom to stumble them.
the reason to me that it was good for the jews to kill who thay did, was god told them to. that would be the same reason that would make abortion good, if we had been told to do it by god. but we have not.
Jesus in fulfillment of the law gave us New Commandments or New law of love. abortion is, to my mind, a violation of that law and against all that jesus taught us. if god said kill then kill if he said love then love. to kill for conveince....that is beyond my understanding.