the Craziest thigs I heard are: The WT is the Faithful and Dixscreet Slave. That there is a modern King of the North. There is a morden day Babylon, Great harlet, Jesus came back "invisibly" to say keep up the good work boys,(ofcourse no testimony to this world shattering event was ever published, so much for "the good news," maybe the Catholics have it locked away in the secret underground Vatican vaults where they hide all the proof that the WT is Gods Org.) That JWs are perscuted for the "truth," etc.....and That the Bible is full of references to the WT and their "works." I could go on all day but let me stop before I start rambling off everything I heard spoken.
JoinedPosts by willy_think
What's the craziest thing you ever heard at the Kingdom Hall or Assembly?
by Mr Ben inwhat's the craziest thing you ever heard at the kingdom hall or assembly hall?
there were lots of crazy ideas coming from elders, co's & do's in my neck of the woods, but one in particular sticks in my mind.
it was the very last circuit assembly at hellerby in yorkshire (hell!
They are playing the Iraq abuse video's all over British tv
by Brummie ini had hoped the pics would have been faked, the terrorists must be over the moon
How can believing **the truth** ever be traiterous? That is zealotry gone mad. To call it propaganda shows IMO that you do not know what propaganda really is.
American style censorship in action Simon, call the speaker, or indeed the very thought, traiterous. In the US to speak contrary to or ufavorably about Republican positions, is for the most part to invite a hostile reaction from the multitude of brain dead CNN conditioned sheep.
I don't understand how people could have listened to the Bush administration say over and over that suspected terrorists are not entitled to the protections of the Geneva Conventoin and not realize; the only reason to make that asertion is because they knew full well that the suspects treatment would be in violation to that convention.
Do we see what we do? Can't we even look at life? Why is the press "sheltering" us from the harshness of the real world, of real deeds and real death. In a sense I don't know why the news would be about anything else. What could be more important to see and understand then the suffering that is and the final end of a life. What should the race or the Nationality of the person matter?
New Zealand Changes Sexual Consent Law to Age 12
by Yizuman in,2106,2916359a6005,00.html
sex at age 12 okay under law change 23 may 2004
by oskar alley .
What is a good martial art for girls to learn? Any recommendations?
by True North indoes anyone have have any experience with martial arts?
my daughter is interested in trying to learn one and i think it would be a good idea both for physical training and for self defense.
i know there are a lot of different styles to choose from and i'm not sure which would be the best for her.
The problem with many fighting arts is that they are unregulated. there is no national organization overseeing the training that Jujitsu instructors receive for example. A blackbelt in one place is not a blackbelt in another and safety considerations vary. In most cases you need to go by word of mouth as to how good or bad a particular Dojo is. but as an olympic sport Judo is a very structured and well regulated envirnment from the local to international levels. a brownbelt in the US is a brownbelt in the UK thay have the same siklls, only technique varies what you need to do and know to advance is the same. most Judo clubs are non-profit so the price tends to be lower in Judo. that aside it's real fighting every night, this is the real thing, my daughter (14) could throw most anyone if she caught them unaware I don't encourage it, but it's kind of nice to know she could in case some boy trys to grabbed her. as far as excerise goes it's one of the best, full cardio, resistance training, balance, stamina, teemwork, individual acomplishments, respect, certified instructors, the works. My daughter thinks she plays Judo for the sport and i love it too, but in my heart of hearts it's for the self-defence that i'm happy to take her to the class and meets and pay the 50 dollars a month.
The problem with a fair few of you lot is this ....
by Celtic inthat you don't know what a friggin excellent lot in life has been given you.
life is whichever way you look at it fantastic.
the fact that you breathe in and out.
Celtic, I couldn't agree more but as you know, it takes time.
Nechi (wrong spelling) said, "God is dead." spinning off the extaential (spelling) movement, which ultimately leads to the end game question, "why not just commit suicide?" and the answer that is so profound and simple when it settles into your hart, that it's hard not to rattle it off 7 different ways at once "because life is what you make it." but you need to live with that for a while: say it "life is what you make it", come to know the truth of it with more then just your intellect. If life is what you make of it, then: "The unexamined life is not worth living" because you are making nothing of it, and can't if you don't understand who you are now. So it seems to me that the idea is to live in lucidity examining your life and making changes were you find the need. Or "there is no fate that can not be surmounted by scorn."
"because life is what you make it"
"because life is what you make it"
"because life is what you make it"
"because life is what you make it"
Jail him as an example !
by Simon in
some dumb congressman taking a loaded glock pistol onto an aircraft.. a guy was just jailed for 9 months in the uk for arriving at heathrow (from washington dulles) with amminution in his jacket.
but hey, he wasn't a congressman ... just a black guy.
I think this is a perfect example of "the golden rule" in action. He with the golde rules, "law" is just letters on a page. what are scribbles to the scribbler? what fool would say: these marks I make are more important then I am?
Is man to serve the law or the law man? well I for one already knew which men the law serves and which men serve the law.
Circuit Overseer Visit....not interested
by New Castles inlast night was the first meeting of the circuit overseers visit.
i didnt go, but i know (because of a call from an elder about two weeks ago) that they are going to visit me this week.
I know how stressfull the waiting can be, so:
Go to the house the overseer is satying during his visit at about 10:45 pm knock on the door and ask him if you can talk. if it's a bad time for him, tell him, you are having a lot of problems sleeping at night, and financial truble that Jehovah told you HE was to help you with and the voices... the darn voices. tell him you need to spend as much time with him as you can and that you can come back in about an hour or you can wait in the car untill he is ready to help. if he want's to come to your house at another time say "YES YES YES but come alone i don't want it to seem like you are braging about the money Jehova said you are going to give me. I can't thank you enuff, we can have brunch and make a day of it. hay you can stay at my place with me! after all your going to be paying for it! you want to go to a movie or somthing? I've been having glorious dreams of the New System but before it can take place, the false servents of Jehovah must be crushed and utterly destroyed...Do you think Jehova works through sinfull men like us? the shafe must be seperated from the wheat. well any way, we have a lot of work ahead of us."
(for the comic frlief of anxiety purposes only)
Have You Ever Heard This Explanation Why 144,000 is a Literal Number?
by Had Enough inthe speaker said tonight (yes i went to the memorial to appease my worried family .
well he said its very simple....the scripture talks about the lamb and the 144,000. it doesn't say lambs as in more than, it says lamb referring to the "literal number of one lamb".. so thats how we know that the 144,000 is a literal number and not symbolic like all the rest of revelation.. am i going bonkers...or has anyone else every heard that explanation before?
i know i never have and that doesn't make any sense to me at all.. had enough
All Gods people of the tribes of Israel (12 x 10) x All Gods people not of the tribes of Israel (12 x 10) x all (10) = All of Gods people. (144,000)
(12*10)(12*10)(10) = 144,000
I told my mother to stop contacting me
by kyria inafter two months of terribly abusive emails from my mother telling me that i "am not capable of appreciating true love" and her weird delusions that i have no friends and my life is a mess, i finally cut her off.
i blocked her email address, and i told her to stop contacting me.
yes, the jehovah?s witnesses.
She had already told me that she could no longer speak to me because I was an apostate, so I suppose I'm just doing what the elders told her to do anyway.
No you are actively taking charge of your life!!!!! You've taken the power away from the elders. Nothing starts or stops on there say so any more. freedom is a gift we give our selves
I wish you the best of every thing.
The lure of paradise earth?
by little witch incan someone explain to me what the excititment is concerning paradise earth, as the dubs see it?
paradise seems to be the carrot on a stick for witnesses, but little information seems to be offered.
from what little discription they do give it seems to me to be a boring place to be.
Aside from the "Anointed" ( you might call them Christians), JWs reject the body offered by christ and so are not his adopted brothers. they do not live under the new testaments heavenly hope. The "earthly paradise" substituted by the WT is just what you think it is, a carrot, the materialistic mans paradise.
To live forever as Sisyphus does not appeal to me.