WT Wizard: Definitely true about your comment on initiatory force.
Homerovah the Almighty: There is no doubt that they are positioning themselves to take the money and run.
Most of the older so-called "leaders", GB and others have died or are dying off. These younger ones up in there in the legal dept and the other upper echelon sections of the borg want their piece of the pie, so they can continue to live the easy life after the belief system crumbles entirely to dust. They know the borg is a sham and that they will not be able to continue to promote this scam pseudo-religion forever. The selling off of all the property all of a sudden in these last couple of years, and the continual selling is proof of that. Someone here even posted a few weeks ago that now all of the WT property in Brooklyn is now up for sale and that investors were being invited to look at the various pieces of property.
Its a bullshit pseudo-religion, the biggest scam ever on this planet, and the so-called leaders know it, as they have always known it. They have been riding it and now its on its last broken legs.
Do not be surprised at a "kool-aid" situation that occurs in which many lives within the borg suddenly end and the evil slavemasters in Brooklyn and Patterson try to get away with it. For those of you who are still in, keep your eyes, ears, and mind open. And if you attend future memorials, you'd better be careful about putting any of those so-called emblems into your mouth.
Remember Jim Jones and what happened to his cult in 1979.