It seems like all that's left leading WT is the legal dept. and the bean counters. Is maintaining the stats the priority now?
Keep the numbers up with third world converts. This keeps the active members comfortable in developed nations which maintains the money flow.
I'm guessing an increasingly heavier focus maintaining the statistics in the future by:
The third world six-month-study-and-your-in converts but little $ spent there. In developed nations: Pushing big magazine routes. Have studys which last for years, counting time on studys with inactive ones until they are active, whenever that may be. Spend months gathering up seat takers for the memorial. Have no limit on family studies hrs. Set up 10 hour a month free for any creative billboard witnessing(think Christmas outside decorations but using a WT & Awakes display. My aunt actually pulled this stunt).
This trend started few years ago, it would not surprise me if it continues. (edited: can't form a sentence)
Edited by - wren on 31 December 2002 15:26:32