Sorry for all the crap you've been through. From here on out it will only get better! You are only 31 and you have your whole cult free life ahead of you! You can go back to school, change your career, focus more on your hobbies, join volunteer activities to help people or the environment.
Best of all, you can find a wonderful woman who will be a wonderful step-mom, loving you and your daughter not for what you believe but for who you are.
Also, you can still stick it to them by doing what my former elder uncle did: walk into a KH during a meeting and noisily hand two elders (sitting towards the front so everyone can see what you are doing) your DA letter. State one or two reasons you are leaving the cult (out loud for everyone to hear) and then walk out with your chin up and dignity intact. Every person's mouth in the room will drop to the floor in curious astonishment.