It sucks because my mother-in-law could've extended her life a few weeks with a blood transfusion. She instead refused and suddenly died alone in the hospital. None of us could get there in time to say goodbye. My wife is devastated.
JoinedPosts by Bonsai
The bitter reality of death
by Bonsai inbeen a lot of death in my life recently.
a close family member died yesterday.
a close friend died 8 weeks ago - both from cancer.
The bitter reality of death
by Bonsai inbeen a lot of death in my life recently.
a close family member died yesterday.
a close friend died 8 weeks ago - both from cancer.
Been a lot of death in my life recently. A close family member ( a zealous JW) died yesterday. A close friend died 8 weeks ago - both from cancer. It was hard seeing them wilt away like a flower cut from its stem. They weakened, they suffered and they died in pain.
In a time when they needed encouragement, in a moment where they needed to be comforted I couldn't think of anything to say. I had no hope to give out. I had no comforting words to explain why we must die in such an undignified way.
My anger at a non-existing god and my rage toward the cult I was raised in has turned my heart to stone.
Death never comes at a convenient time. Death never comes after you've fully prepared for it. It just rushes in like a tsunami and sweeps us all away wide-eyed and terrified.
Death is all around us and hovering over those whom we love. Life is bitterly short and full of pain and then an abrupt end. When you find yourself going, when you find yourself dying, the world doesn't stop for you and there is nothing you can do - there is nothing anyone can do.
Every day that you find yourself waking up healthy and sound is a day more precious than any metal. Life is bitterly short, so please value each day like it may be your last and never take even one minute of it for granted.
God is Real in Principle
by looter innow the majority of people nowadays do no go by the hope of old times.
now the reason for this is important and goes beyond mere words.
our culture sees ethics especially national or civil politics as the rules and standards by which we guide ourselves.
Putting religion and morality in the same sentence is an epic fail. They go together like oil and water.
Elders harassing me
by raven inhi everyone, it has been a while since i've last updated!
(refer to my previous posts for the full story) here is a quick re-cap: 2 months ago my mother found out that i am living with my boyfriend, she told me i was discovered by an "anonymous" tipper who turned me in for "living in sin".. first of all, that is nearly impossible, the congregation i was in is 100's of miles away from where i currently live.. no one would have ever known i was living with my boyfriend unless i told them, which i never did, i cut off all communication with that congregation in part of my attempted fade which was blown into pieces and discovered.. anyways, my mom tells me if i don't go to the elders and confess like a good little sheep, then she is obligated to tell them.. ( don't see why, i don't even live under her roof ) well i never went to them because why should i?
so they met with my mother and she told them i live with my boyfriend... let me remind you, this was two months ago.. i was told i was going to be df'd and that was that.
Who the hell has the money to let a lawyer shark do the bidding for them? People say go get a lawyer like it's as easy as buying a cola at the five and dime. For those of you who have actually gone this route, how much did it actually cost you? Was the cost worth it?
Elders harassing me
by raven inhi everyone, it has been a while since i've last updated!
(refer to my previous posts for the full story) here is a quick re-cap: 2 months ago my mother found out that i am living with my boyfriend, she told me i was discovered by an "anonymous" tipper who turned me in for "living in sin".. first of all, that is nearly impossible, the congregation i was in is 100's of miles away from where i currently live.. no one would have ever known i was living with my boyfriend unless i told them, which i never did, i cut off all communication with that congregation in part of my attempted fade which was blown into pieces and discovered.. anyways, my mom tells me if i don't go to the elders and confess like a good little sheep, then she is obligated to tell them.. ( don't see why, i don't even live under her roof ) well i never went to them because why should i?
so they met with my mother and she told them i live with my boyfriend... let me remind you, this was two months ago.. i was told i was going to be df'd and that was that.
If your mother is already shunning you then what is the point of getting df'd and letting them off the hook?
After the announcement people will spread gossip and slander about your immoral life. They will tell each other you left, not because there is something wrong with their religion, but because there was something wrong with you. If you DA and let people know why you are going to DA you can really stick it to them and maintain more dignity. Some people go that route. It may or may not be right for you.
The folly of Watchtower's theodicy. Or, why would an all-powerful and all-wise God need to justify his sovereignty through suffering?
by Island Man inwatchtower says that evil and suffering exist at present to vindicate jehovah as being the only one qualified to govern; to bear witness to man's inability to govern himself independent of god and under satan's direction.
the claim is made that the questions raised by satan regarding god's motives as universal sovereign can only be answered by allowing humans to see the evil and suffering that results when man lives independent of god's protection and direction.. watchtower and jws seem to think that this is the best theodicy in the world.
but there are some serious flaws in it.. 1. such a theodicy suggests that all perfect and intelligent creation, up until the advent of adam and eve, did not know god and his ways well enough to be confident that his motives as universal sovereign are pure.
Love this thread so much that I am bumping it up for lurkers.
Noah didn't need all that fancy pancy technology. He had god's invisible beams of power to grease the wheels and enslaved Nephilim to be the labor rats. And don't forget, he had giant rock monster demons (from the movie Noah) to bend to his will as well.
Well... im disfellowshipped now.
by pale.emperor invery long story.
i've been away from this site for a while.. basically, i tried to leave.
handed in my disassociation letter, it kicked up a storm and 2 weeks later i was disfellowshipped.
Sorry for all the crap you've been through. From here on out it will only get better! You are only 31 and you have your whole cult free life ahead of you! You can go back to school, change your career, focus more on your hobbies, join volunteer activities to help people or the environment.
Best of all, you can find a wonderful woman who will be a wonderful step-mom, loving you and your daughter not for what you believe but for who you are.
Also, you can still stick it to them by doing what my former elder uncle did: walk into a KH during a meeting and noisily hand two elders (sitting towards the front so everyone can see what you are doing) your DA letter. State one or two reasons you are leaving the cult (out loud for everyone to hear) and then walk out with your chin up and dignity intact. Every person's mouth in the room will drop to the floor in curious astonishment.
Is confrontational "New Atheism" undermining the cause of atheism?
by EdenOne ininteresting debate between lawrence krauss and greg epstein.. watch the debate on al-jazeera.. what do you think?.
Well worth the 15 minutes to listen to their discussion.
We need to avoid labels that pin us into corners and breed distrust and even hostility from the religious moderates. I don't like being called an apostate or an atheist because they don't come close to defining who I am. Labels are bread from laziness and the desire to lump something into one large category for the sake of convenience.
It is time to remove the myths and superstitions that divide mankind and hold us back from fulfilling our potential and advancing together as a human race.. Religions and beliefs that promote violence, division and mental abuse need to be removed. The best way to do this is not by violence or making religion illegal, but by educating and getting younger generations of people to think about the basis for what they believe and whether or not their beliefs are based on logic and facts. We need to expose and publicize the fundamental flaws and fallacies that riddle every theistic belief system that exists on this planet. The public education system needs a complete overhaul...
Animals not meant to eat meat
by Carl injw don't believe in evolution .
how come animals teeth are designed to chew meat?
sharks for instance have razor sharp pointy teeth these are not to eat vegetation .
Every living thing on this planet lives off the life of some other living thing .And it always has. - Smiddy
Ooh, we have a bingo! (Inglorious Bastards quote)